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Thu 4th May 2023 02:53

The tournament begins.

by Tobias Shadowmane

Captain v and I continued on our way to the hovel of the kankeu elder, she was an odd woman like many of the other kankeu I've met but she seems to have control over the soft earth around her. I inquired about the curse that had befallen her tribe, she spoke of animals acting oddly and one instance if an upright walking dog scaling a wall. Such things seemed to odd to be true but with all ive seen of late I don't doubt it though I'm not sure it is exactly what I'm looking for.
I still need to search for the young girl who's dreams are tormenting her but I'm not sure how to find someone who I don't know a thing about aside from a name but I will still search as I need to find answers.
On our way out of the kankeus hovel she got a bit fresh with v and he seemed very uncomfortable, even swearing me not to share with the others. the old woman is spry but I can't wait to see how he handles the rest of the festival.
When we got back to the cart where the others had begun to set up camp they all seemed very sad and quite. Apparently bogbean and bricky may have a tangled past with one another.
I awoke surprised to find a line forming outside my cart, Apparently word of my delicious food had began to spread but because I failed to prepare the night before I provided poor service and disappointed them. After feeding the rest of the group we began discussing what we would do for the next few days as we waited for the final day of the festival where the party really began.
The party decided they would like to fight in the tournament, an opportunity I didn't think I'd be able to take. It might be a lot to wish for but I hope I can win and hear my wish heard, and succeed where my father failed.
As the tournament consists of teams of three, we decided to split up, drexla, Luna and v in one group and bogbean, bricky and myself in the other, I was very excited to finally see there full abilities as I fell early in our last bout.
Our fight was first and I think either the world is against me or at least the whole of this town, as our first opponents were naze and his group of goons.
Name charged straight at us ahead of his friends and as I prepared to strike bogbean had already pounced onto his throat. She was an angry whirlwind of teeth and steel, bricky seemed to sap some sort of energy from the loxodon and cause them great pain. I used my newly found magic to first bolster my alies than to hurle a ball of burning cosmos at naze knocking him out, an act I'm sure to live to regret. I felt a surge of that same cool soothing energy I feel when the hidden maiden spoke in my dreams, I formed a protective bubble that clung to myself and the others warding of blows from the fierce warriors but it was not enough for bricky wo fell before we could finish off the other two. Bogbean ended the fight by bitting off the only hand the loxodon had, she certainly is a ferocious little one.
I tried to stir bricky from unconsciousness as the next fight began this one with the other half of our party, the fight started strong with steel clashing and magic cast but drexla shot some sort of smoke device onto the field obstructing everyone's view, it was hard to see what was happening at all, only hearing shouts of combat and seeing drexla zip in and out of the cloud but in the end everything seemed to come out alright as the smoke cleared and drexla and Luna were the only ones left standing.
Afterwards bricky awoke literally giving me a shock. I found I am unable to heal him through conventional means I'll have to see if my magic can help him.
Before heading back I tried to source products to restock my cart but I received the usual cold shoulder the vendor even spiking her price to outlandish rates, Luna suggested sending v over as he has no clear ties if not actually despising me. None the less he agreed and quickly returned, his chest puffed up like a young cub coming back from their first hunt. He managed to get the price down although I know he still overcharged me.
Now all that's left is to prepare for tomorrow make my peace offering and see if the mystery woman from my dreams will have any more information for me.