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Wed 11th Oct 2023 04:04

Demon dogs and revelations in the rock dome.

by Tobias Shadowmane

As the cart ambled on down a road that shook the cart awfully. I chatted with Luna at the front of the cart as she held onto the kenku egg we found making sure nothing happens to it like Miguel whom I thought was just skulking but was proven wrong when Bricky and Bogbean informed me that he slipped away leaving behind an illusion of himself, after stopping to look around we couldn't find him but did find that he took another weeks worth of rations. the little thing irritated me to no end but I hope no harm finds him on the road and that the Twilight Mother will watch over him. We continued on the path that snaked its way through the forest passing huge boulders that looked like they had crashed from the sky trees being leveled around the great stones. We continued on till we reached the end of the forest and could see the base of the mountain, before that a few hundred feet away were a few crumbling ancient buildings with smoke rising from inside. Luna sent the little lion Jinx in and after a few minutes reported back that more of those demon dogs feasting on some fresh kill. Ill wipe these horrible ravenous things away from our lands.
We left the cart and Trovas a little further back and stealthily made our way toward the camp. As we approached we were spotted and the beasts howled alerting their friends as we all went to work. We've gotten much better working together everyone doing there support and doing there part. Bogbean transformed into her more savage form and ran forward into the heart of the beasts cleaving her blade through the lot of them. Bricky did his usual thing sapping the vitality from the monsters. V hid himself in the shadows and threw his dagger striking one dead but being struck by lightning himself. Luna called lightning down striking multiple enemies. I brought my bubble out shielding those around me and I healed Bogbean as she faced a torrent of blows. We quickly whittled them down soon only one was left which attempted to flee but was stopped by Bricky.
As the dust settled luna with the help of bogbean and myself inspected the bodies hoping to learn more about these strange creatures. We peeled away the layers of flesh looking closer and made a startling discovery, the feathers of a kenku twisted and meld together under this top layer of putrid flesh. The other bodies had similar underlying skins of different kinds. some had feathers, furs that could only have come from tabaxi or leonin. we pondered what this meant as we cleaned the blood from our hands and prepared to get on the road again. At this time V had been walking around the ruins when he spotted a dancing figure of lady kree made of dirt pointing of onto a path. After he informed the rest of the group we headed off to look for the village. We followed a long line of dancing kree until finally we came into an empty clearing with only one of those dirt statues, suddenly the ground before us opened reveling a path into the depths below.
The city was incredible and though we found ourselves far underground we were not in darkness but under a massive dome with crystals imbedded in the celling letting light flow in illuminating the village. The village reminds me of Amarazz with its squared buildings made of clay although these lack the vibrant colors of my home. Here we met again with Lady Cree and for some the first time. Lady Cree welcomed us to her village and offered shelter as long as we needed. We gave her the egg we found and it turned out to be a kenku egg like we thought. She thanked us for its safe return and for avenging their fallen. She also confirmed our worst fears, the twisted creatures were all miren that had been bitten, infected and morphed into these mindless monsters.
Lady Kree introduced us to her granddaughter, telling us she would lead us to the temple where she would later join us after she completed a few things. We made our way there speaking to pip who like her grandmother could control the earth around her though not nearly as strong which she says is because she is not the leader of the kenku . we eventually arrived at a massive temple that had intricate carvings of two missive figures standing in front of an even more missive tree. The two figures were of a leonin and kenku shaking hands. I stood staring at the statue and Luna seemed to glaze over, lady kree arose from the ground and we began talking about the problem with the monsters running through the land and infecting the miren. We discussed how to go about bringing all miren together, like my great grandfather before. The same leonin represented shaking hands with the kenku who was apparently also Lady krees great grandmother and apparently the first kenku to have gained power over earth.
While we spoke Luna apparently had visions of her missing past, memories off the two who were depicted in front of us, and that she saw something buried in the wall behind the tree. Lady kree moved the earth away reveling a spherical object and what looked like another piece of the sacred stone. She told us she remembers being here and that her mother made this object, which when interacted with it glowed and showed a constellation. Poor Luna was a mess apparently she was recalling memories that had been lost to her of her mother and the spherical object. After all that's happened I cant imagine what it'd be like to not remember my mothers face, the thought alone feels like an icy blade poking at my heart. Lady kree also wept seeing this new shard of the sacred stone and as she laid her hand apron the stone like the original her handprint stayed on the stone, I followed suit and like her my handprint stayed. I felt an odd wind of hope sweep through me and seemed to do the same for kree as she turned to me and spoke of my great grandfather, the betrayer who long ago brought all the mirin together under one alliance, and how if we are to survive this new threat to all our peoples we must once again work together. she pledged herself and the kankeu to the cause, I offered myself and told her I do not speak for the leonin but that my uncle is a good man and will listen to our cause. As we spoke V went and placed his hand on the stone as well but seemed to have an odd reaction.
After all that had occurred today we decided to rest tonight at the home Lady Kree had prepared for us before we start planing where to go and how to get there.
We walked slowly through the city slowly and silently, I pondered what was to come and what the return of the alliance would mean for all the miren. The thought, of trying to convince some of the more proud races to join our cause, alone is enough to give me a headache. Luna still seemed a bit dazed and lost in herself, Drexla continued to stow herself away silently, V and his crewmate continued to brood in the back, Bricky was as stoic and hard to read as always and Bogbean, well I am quite invious of how she can always seem to be so happy and carefree, I strive to find that in myself.
We arrived at the house and began to disperse and unwind a bit, most of us going into some of our rooms with Bogbean joining bricky and Luna asked me along to her room for some type of ritual, but v seemed not to have a room of his own so he seemed to linger before going to join Bricky and Bogbean. The ritual Luna had me help her with took us about an hour of sitting together and bonding and she tells me that this will alow us to give each other parts of magic if the other were to need it. Afterwards I went and found my room and was so happy to again have a bed and bath, I haven't had either since I left Amaraz. I ran a steamy bath and stripped of my armor and clothes, I can't remember the last time I took them off. The water was so warm and there were even little vials of sented soaps and oils, I couldn't help but purr as I soaked my aching hands and pampered my fur.
After I changed into some comfortable clothes left by lady kree I spotted V wandering around looking for a place to stay but knowing Lady Kree I figured what the implications of his missing room meant so I lightly teased him before closing the door and drifting to sleep. In my sleep I found myself before the the Twilight Mother, I knelt before her and when I looked up I saw her silently weeping and my heart twisted into knots. She apologized for all that's happened for not helping more. I don't know how she can think this. All I have, all I've done has only been available through her gifts, I told her as such and swore to do better to work harder and make things right. I asked her for another gift a piece of her cloak so that I may feel a stronger connection to her power, and she took the the edge of her cloak and drew her finger across it cleaving it free and giving me the piece which was a full cloak for me and I could feel the magic in it.
I awoke the next morning still clutching the new star clad cloak. I changed into my newly cleaned armor and went out to eat breakfast with the others who were enjoying a spread of fruits left by lady kree. After breakfast we met with Lady kree and began to discuss the matter of what to do next. We deliberated for quite a while before settling on the plan to send the boat to the other end of the continent the long way and to take a river Lady kree knows of, that passes right under the mountain. We all went out buying supplies and preparing for the journey, I purchased supplies for rations as well as fresh berries and nuts to make an Amarazz styled pastries. After food was prepared nd stored I baked a batch sweet pastries for my new companions as best I could from the memories I have of my mothers baking.
After a quick rest and a few goodbyes we affixed the cart and torvas to the somehow floating rock that Lady kree promised to send us on down the river. We all readied ourselves adored the platform and with a flick of the wrist lady Kree sent us flying down the river at break neck speeds, Gulkear and I tried to steer our ways down the windy rivers path, narrowly avoiding jagged rock shelfs and jutting stalactite. It was a perilous trek through the tunnels and once we were clear the danger didn't stop as there were many turns and a few groupings of those dog beasts along the shores. Near the end of the river we realized we had no way to stop the raft, I tied a rope to the end of my spar and threw it lodging it between a rock and tree, with the strength of myself and my companions we stopped it. we stopped along the shore moving into the woods to hide ourselves and rest for the night, I showed them how to make a type of buried fire that helped to hide both flame and smoke to keep us hidden. I volunteered to take the first watch and as i stood on duty i saw packs of the dog beasts roaming along in odd clumps, luckily avoiding our group through out the night but heading in the same direction we were. as i drifted into a slumber i could not help but think of what comes next and pay the tiglight mother will guide me through the trouble.