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Fri 7th Jul 2023 08:03

Nightmare and Ruin.

by Tobias Shadowmane

Failure.....Failure...…failure...…I've failed again and again. I could not save my parents, I could not save the child Ella, I was too arrogant , I brought my friends into my nightmare and nearly got them killed, I was again unable to protect people I've began to care for, and worse so, I wanted to throw myself at the beast in a desperate act of cowardice to unburden myself from my responsibilities and was nearly ready to bring Luna along but the teary eyed face of the usually titan strong bogbean pulled me away, how could I possibly bring them along into my own mess??….I could not save my friends from themselves...…even with power beyond my dreams I still prove powerless.....I only wanted to try and bring happiness and understanding between the miren clans, instead I lead someone to destroy our most sacred of landmarks and unleash my nightmare upon innocents lives, besides his own will, again I must watch a good man comit horrible crimes despite himself. to bring an end to my nightmare my new friend Luna threw herself over the unconscious body of Lincoln as drexla sought her revenge and V struck down at the still form of Lincoln , I understand her want for revenge against Lincoln but I cannot stomach someone standing above a defenseless man and killing them....perhaps I am a fool lost in tradition. we run now...further and further away from the screams of those who have fallen because of my weakness...…the sounds will find themselves in my dreams amongst the rest...…