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Sun 11th Jun 2023 01:39

Minotaur, Shadow, and Dreams.

by Tobias Shadowmane

Bogbean, Bricky and I prepared ourselves for our battle as the minotaur combatants stomped their way into the ring, I looked about to see many of the mirian gathered around to watch our group get trampled with glee. We stepped into the ring and I pushed bricky behind me as I stepped behind bogbean. it still feels so odd to hide myself behind one so small, but I'm in no way to proud to acknowledge her strength not only physically but in spirit as well. I started the fight off by summoning up my Twilight Sanctuary to protect my friends as the minotaur positioned themselves around us. Bogbean ,like always was a whirlwind of teeth, blade and furry. I held my sanctuary up as much as possible as the minotaur slammed into bogbean and I. Bricky stood behind me launching his odd magics at them and weekend them greatly. I held my sanctuary as long as possible to shield my friends as I was grappled and slammed into the ground before one of the others buried his axe in me, I thought I would surly be cleaved in twain. When I awoke I was told that bogbean had fallen not long after me, and bricky managed to finish off the last two without suffering a single blow. we were all very excited until we found out we would have to fight each other in the coming round of the tournament. I knew this would happen eventually but I hoped we could save that till the end.
As we walked back to the cart we managed to lose two of our party members amongst the huge crowds. Drexal is always running off on her own but it was unusual for bogbean to disappear. we decided to keep heading to the cart as that's most likely where they'd be headed. Bricky removed his eye and sent it floating out as a scout, to my surprise he managed to find bogbean and lead her back to us along with his shadow. his shadow spoke in sign language to us and apparently v also understood. Shadow told us how angry he was with bricky as he apparently "stole everything from him". we managed to convince him that he'd be better off with bricky as the yd be stronger together and he could make sure he stayed alive, during this it came out that bricky not only knew the man who kidnapped Miguel and bogbean but that he had helped in their capture. Funny enough Luna seemed to be more upset than bogbean was, though bricky seemed to imply that those actions were not his own and he could not physically talk about it. afterwards bogbean understandably seemed a bit distant opting for sleeping closer to Luna that night.
That night i found myself in the sprawling lands of dream standing before the Twilight mother. she asked me what it was that I seek, an odd question I had not yet stopped to ponder, I was here to learn more about whatever evils had consumed my father, to right the wrongs that had happened due to my ineptitude, but most importantly i had heard words my father had spoken to me when I was but a cub, of gaining strength not to wield great and terrible power but to protect those who couldn't do so for themselves. I told her this and she showed me a vision that twisted into a swirling mass of flame before seeing my mother hanging limply on the end of my fathers spear, the fire swirled again and I stood over my father my hands covered in burns and blood, as tears streamed down my face I looked up and my vision cleared and I was once again standing in front of the twilight mother. she asked if I was still afraid, I could only manage to nod as she spoke words that fell against my soul like crushing hammer, the words of my father, of how I must be strong and be ready to do terrible things to protect those I love. showed me how I can manifest things in these lands and taught me a way to bring companions here. she told me here id have to fight Mr. peepers and save the little girl he's attached himself to. before I left she gave me a gift, a spear that looks like it was made in my homeland but the blade was dark as midnight and the plume beneath the blade looked like it was made of the cosmos. when I awoke I was still clutching the spear from my dreams apparently I can take some things from that world to this one.
in the morning as I made breakfast everyone seemed to be on edge, as they finished the last of their food Lincon came by apparently having sold the hum he held captive. I tried being friendly despite my distain for what he does, the others had no such reservations and nearly attacked him after finding out he was the one who attempted to capture Drexal, he left in a huff and I'm glad we didn't have to get into a fight in the town. after our breakfast we decided to go out on a hunt for food and materials. the group inquired finally about the bandages around my arms, perhaps it was only because of the dreams I had the night before but I told them about the night I killed my parents and started on my journey. They seemed perturbed about my story and the spear I had brought forth from my dreams.
As we got back Luna and I began to prepare for tonights diner, she's gotten very skilled at helping me in the kitchen and has made my work much easier, I'm not used to having someone help me with my work. V and Drexal decided to go speak with the leader of the kankeu again despite her.....fondness for V, he's a braver man than I thought. I'm not sure what happened in the few hours that passed but Drexal flew into the camp and told us that her and v were attacked and he had fallen, fearing the worst we all ran as fast as possible following Drexal, whereupon we found a handful of dead hume and V unconscious under a pile of hay. as I worked to revive him the others investigated the scene, with bricky and Bogbean both dragging off a corpse for "harvesting" I shudder to think of those who have to discover that horrid mess. As we gathered ourselves, Bogbean alerted us all in a fright that bricky had gone missing, hopefuly we ca find our stitched friend soon.