What's in a Secret? by Heart of the Thistle | World Anvil

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2nd of Sydenstar 835PD

What's in a Secret?

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

This new guy, Gael, while charming and attractive lacks a certain bit of tact that would have made him far more interesting and trustworthy. He's a nosy prick of a motherfucker who doesn't know what privacy or space means. I think he's... Reliable, he knows his place, and he's here to help out and he knows that, and I don't think he's here to cause trouble, but I'm feelin' like he's introduced a certain level of tension to our otherwise cheery little party we've got going on here.
Soon after we picked him up, aside from everyone but probably Ael and I trusting him right away, I got a knife pushed against my back in a very threatening way. I knew the others wouldn't be impressed much at all, despite maybe wanting to figure out a peaceful solution, folks were a bit quicker to draw steel and clash. We took the lot of them out, mostly peacefully, and went on our way, having a bit of a tense walk, before settling back down for the evening. While I got to sleep for a little bit, watch I had was with the new guy, Gael.
I don't trust him still. I trust him enough to let him sleep nearby, but this little 'detective' needs to learn that when you go around stickin your dick in random holes, eventually somethin is gonna bite it off.
Also told Ael that I knew of her sis, but honestly I see her as more of on my side than Gael right now, and I aint about to ask any more questions about it. I don't NEED to know anything else. When shit hits the deck, I know she can be trusted in ways, and now she knows I can be too. I'm glad to spill blood with her should she need it.
As for our little detective dick, I've got my eye on him. But that doesn't mean I can't keep Pretty boy close enough to know what's going on, and I can keep up enough appearances to be all friendly like. I've had to put up with far worse people in far worse circumstances before. For now I'm gonna catch some winks, and sleep as much as I can before we get moving in a couple hours.

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  5. What's in a Secret?
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