A Night of Flights by Heart of the Thistle | World Anvil

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6th of Sydenstar

A Night of Flights

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

I ain't wanting to think much on tonight, or tomorrow night. Not sure how much there is for me to say on any of the things happening right now.
I had to tell Charlotte tomorrow was my birthday, which I think is a bigger thing than she thinks it is, but she... She just looked so sad when I said I didn't wanna do stuff tomorrow I just had to say something. So I guess now she knows, and she's taking me out for dresses and stuff...
Oh wild mother preserve me I don't think she knows. FUCK SHE DOESN'T
How am I supposed to do this with her if she doesn't rightly know about the fact that I'M PART FUCKIN CAT! I can't like hide that shit if I've got a tailor all up in my body or whatever they have to do to measure me for a dress.
I should tell her... But I don't want to, especially not tomorrow, but I have to but like... How do I do that? How am I supposed to do that?
I know I need to...
I don't wanna sleep, maybe if I just don't go to bed I'll just not have to wake up tomorrow and deal with that whole thing.
Unfortunately that's not how it works.
I need to sleep. In the morning I need to talk to Charlotte. I need to at least explain some of this stuff, or like, carry that across to her so she knows and like... GAH It's fuckin bullshit.
And then Virdan got fuckin plastered on a Flight of Ale, and I had to carry him back, and so I didn't get to say anythin to Lottie. Ugh. UGH
I wanna just drink some more and sleep and not have to deal with this tomorrow. Or I suppose at a certain point in the night It's tonight, or the morning, just like... Happy Birthday I guess?

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  7. A Night of Flights
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