Nobody Wants Me by Heart of the Thistle | World Anvil

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1st of Sydenstar 835PD

Nobody Wants Me

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

We got a rather rude awakenin' this mornin' when Ale came and said she saw some of them Military folks on our trail, but we moved quick and got ourselves packed up and got movin' right off the bat! It was a decent high pumpin' start to the day where we got our blood flowing right off the bat! Was quite decent, and Virdan turned all squirrely on us to go listen in on them army folks as they looked around our last campsite.
Well we got about 8 good hours of walking in as we moved through the fields, little bit of tree cover to give us some cover from the sun, while it stayed in the sky, but it set while we was walkin in the right direction. Well umm, Ale entertained the youngins while we walked, at least for the first couple hours, but they got bored of that pretty quick, and I tried tellin the boy that I could teach him some sword tricks when we got to camp in the evening, and that seemed to work for the rest of the trip, guess I'll be doin that from now on, like I'm teachin' his older brother how to shoot a bow.
Ale and Virdan talked for a bit, while I was tryin to check on the fairy, not really sure still on her... At least whether or not she was lookin' at me, but she's kinda invisible most of the time, so I ain't really know what she's lookin at most of the time. But while they was talkin, she nabbed a thing from the Dwarf one and dropped it plumb on my head! Tellin' me to give it back to her in the morning. I told her I was thinkin of goin out tonight when the sun came up, and she said sure! Probably! I mean that's a pretty good sign I think!
Well also round that time, The oldest of the siblin's said we should tell some stories round the fire, which I thought wasn't a terrible idea, though I didn't realize just how much people was gonna tell bout themselves. I ain't complainin', not like I care bout any of 'em, even if the dwarf didn't tell us the whole story - I know her sis ain't dead, I saw her - But that's not my lie to grapple with. At that point I ain't even sure that sis was the one to kill their parents, but that's me taking her at her worst, maybe she just ain't know her sis survived or not? Who knows. She does, but she ain't tellin.
Then there was me. I ain't ever think bout my daddy much, or my mama, but Ale kinda poked at it, guess I never really though much about it, but I guess neither of them really wanted me around enough - Pa even sent me away on purpose... I don't know what that means.
I mean, I do! But I ain't ever have the chance to think what that makes me feel.
Bad. I guess. Same thing for Ma - She did the same thing, and I wasn't even much older than these kids we walkin' with now!
For the sake of the Wildmother I don't even know what could even be - What's a person supposed to think when their mamma or their pappa both don't want them around?! I ain't even know if these folks want me around...
The only one I really feel close to round here has another friend, Panlo's got Lottie that he's been hanging round this whole time. Feel like they've been super close, certainly like each other, I've seen couples more distant from each other than them two.
Trill, well she's Still a Mystery to me, I ain't know what she thinks of me - AND I AIN'T EVEN KNOW WHY I CARE SO MUCH - MotherFUCKER, I ain't good with this bullshit! I AIN'T GOOD WITH KNOWIN' WHAT PEOPLE FUCKIN' THINK.
I ain't think anybody round here wants me around, I AIN'T KNOW WHAT ANYONE FUCKIN' THINKS OF ME - I'm a fuckin' freak who nobody fuckin' trusts or any of that bullshit... I fuckin doubt anyone think very fondly of me, I think most just pity me for my daddy sending me up north. They don't fuckin' know me well enough to actually have sympathy for mr or my fuckin' problems.
Ale's Callin out and sayin' there's some company - We'll see how things go after a fight - maybe some spilt blood will make me feel better than shit.

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  1. The Night in Nogvurot
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  2. Before Sleeping Under the Sun
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  3. Nobody Wants Me
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  4. What If That Was One of Us?
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  5. What's in a Secret?
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  6. A Moment For Breath
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  7. A Night of Flights
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  8. A Fairly Good Night
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