The Night in Nogvurot by Heart of the Thistle | World Anvil

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30th of Brusindar 835PD

The Night in Nogvurot

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

After reaching the city after a little while of being on the road I found and picked out a little nice place to eat some real food! This has been the best meal I've had in two years almost! I met up with some fair folk, keeping my hood up the whole time just in case, but they're decent fellows. The Dwarf is the sister of some Noble type I saw in Rexxentrum casting magic with all these runes and shit.
After the meal, I decided to pay for everyone's rooms (To be fair, I was pretty drunk) and took a break to get some sleep before being woken up by the cutest little thing! A little fairy gal who just seemed like so sweet and cute! Just a little peach! But anyways we awoke to an attempted assassination on some elfy folk in the room at the end of the hall, only to stop the killer, finding out he's some type of Voltrucker who ran off into the night, and we figured out they were diplomats from the next country over. Well I figure we should stick with them and travel back, since for me that's the only safe place left to go for me. Really stuffs been off the rails, and we've been traveling so much and wanted to get some good sleep, but this is the best opportunity to get out of this godsforsaken empire.
To try and better get some assets, I worked with that cute-as-a-button fairy as a distraction with the guard who was watchin over that room, Malcolm being his name, who I gave a small letter to hand off to my friend down south. I hope I meet back up with him sometime, seemed like a nice lad, really needs a rest and I hope he gets the relocation he needs not only to get away from that stressful post, but also to get away from this silly war.
Well now we're discussin' how to best leave, and have planned to get some Mules and walk off road towards the mountains to get into Xorhas. We'll get through and then after that, Wildmother only knows! Hopefully something good, like some actual rest for a little bit. I've been movin through some shitty situations and crappy living situations for the past year or two - and I haven't even gotten clothes that haven't been in a moth strewn storage locker for the past couple years! I'm sick of it... This half a bottle of rum is my friend until I can finally become comfortable.

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  1. The Night in Nogvurot
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  6. A Moment For Breath
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  8. A Fairly Good Night
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