Before Sleeping Under the Sun by Heart of the Thistle | World Anvil

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30th of Brusindar 835PD

Before Sleeping Under the Sun

by Heart of the Thistle Yivise

Today we done slipped out the city together, using a buncha clever little tricks to tryan get past the guards and stuff. We turned Loc invisible for a bit and pretended like that super high and noble type lady was Verdan as we left. The spunky little pink one, with the devil horns and all is apparently super magical, and she helped out a ton when she was able to just straight up charm our way through the gate... With magic! And no blood involved at all! I'm honestly kinda jealous she doesn't have to like cut her thumb open, or bite her wrist, or y'know, anything like that. Plus, her effects are way more friendly and she's at least twice as charmin' as me and I can't say I'm not a bit jealous about her way with people, I feel like I talk too much and don't do words good. I think that puts people off sometimes.
After slipping out the gates we met up with a dwarven lady, Jenselle Laedim, who sold us two stubborn mules who are a bit hard to deal with, at least for me, Verdan seems to have a way with them, which wasn't too bad a time, but one of them bit my hand! Which I found was pretty rude of it. Franklin and Bonnie are those two stubborn things' names and I don't think they're very big fans of mine, least at the moment, but I have no idea if that'll change over time or not. Usually I'm fine with animals, least they're not hostile to me, but these ones seem to not really care for me. I paid the Dwarf for the animals with 3 of the Platinum pieces for the animals and the feed, and we set out from there, walking for a couple hours at least before we settled on a little place under a little hill with some trees and all, gave the elf lady my Bedroll cause I ain't planning on sleeping on the ground with those folks, I don't like the idea of sleeping in a big group like that. Plus this way I can let my fuckin ears breathe without a buncha eyes on me. I doubt these folk mind a little bastard like me, but better safe than sorry.
I also took the first watch over the camp, after gathering up some deer for food for the comin couple days. Trill helped, and she's a great fuckin shot! I didn't thin a little thing like her could hit something from so far away, gods I feel like I'm comin across so weird when I talk to her... I have to wonder if somethin' is affecting my speech and inflections when I talk to her... I've never been like, the kind to stumble over words and not know what to say. I feel like just somethin' about her just makes me feel more dumb and stuff than I really am, and I hate it! I decided to try an' give myself some space from her, try and teach Verdan to be a bit more handy with a bow, instead of worrying abunch about what I'm thinkin and feeling when around that fairy lady... I don't think I'm right. I feel like I'm way too out of place with folks like these... Folks who seem like they have a plan and know how to make an actual fuckin plan. I just know how to fly by the seat of my pants and read up on shit when I can and I hate it... I feel so stupid around them like I just have no clue what anyone is doing at all, and like I can't never compare to them.
Fuck... I just wanna go home... I don't wanna be going to another strange place with cloudy skies and cold air. I want to see the ocean again and not any more god damn grass and rocks and all the GOD DAMN WHEAT. Ugh. I'm sick of bread and wheat and red meat and all this bullshit. Hopefully things will make more sense after I wake up.

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  2. Before Sleeping Under the Sun
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