Acting Captain's Log: Stardates 47731.6 - 47797.4 by Evrosa | World Anvil

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Stardate 47797.4

Acting Captain's Log: Stardates 47731.6 - 47797.4

by Evrosa Ailyn

Acting Captain's Log
Stardate 47731.6
(Approximately 15 hours after arrival in beta quadrant)
The USS Electra sustained heavy damage during its escape from Damitar 4 and subsequent journey through the wormhole. Immediately crews began working to extinguish 16 fires located in engineering, cargo bay 2, decks 1,3,6,8, & 9, science laboratory #4, and jeffries tube section 5.12. Ensign Fontaine was injured on the bridge and taken to sick bay, escorted by Ensign Fox. Ensign Vash left to coordinate repairs with engineering. All available crew were tasked with putting out the fires and repairing critically inured systems. All injured crew were sent to sick bat, and security personnel with first aid field training were directed to assist the medical staff. Engineering discovered a leak in the warp core, which was quickly patched by Ensign Vash. However, warp core temperature of 300 MFb, approximately 32.5% higher than normal operating temperatures. To stop the warp core from further overheating, it was just down completely. Our stores of plasma coolant have been diminished greatly in the journey and we will need to refuel our stores before we can attempt warp core containment safely. Ensign Kipp of the Science Division found an M class planet that contains trace amounts of Terram. We should be able to reach it in 20 days at impulse speeds. Crews were dispatched to repair major hull damage to the upper and lower saucer. Chief Petty Officer Mostafa was reassigned to fix the engineering terminal on the bridge and in engineering. Shuttlebay 1 was found to have no power, no life support systems, and the bulkheads had been automatically sealed due to a containment breech in one of the jeffries tubes connected to Shuttlebay 1. Ensign Vash sealed the jeffries tubes bulkhead and life support systems were able to be restored to the shuttlebay. All personnel trapped inside shuttlebay 1 was evacuated and sent to medbay immediately. Additionally, Ensign Vash and Smith were injured during an encounter with a holodeck program that had malfunctioned, both crewmen are expected to make a full recovery and the holodeck has been disabled until further notice.
At this point no life-threatening problems were present onboard, and work shifted over to repairing essential systems and caring for the injured. Once all crew were assigned to tasks, Ensign Teffin left the bridge to set up a separate triage for minor injuries. As of the moment that this log is being recorded, no additional crew members have been lost and repair work is slow but steady.
End Log
Acting Captain's Log
Stardate 47737.1
(Two days after first log)
Attachment: [USS_Electra_Temp_Leadership.sfd]
Repair work to critical systems has been steady. Most crew members are pulling double shifts, and all crew with engineering experience has been tasked with assisting in the repairs. However, as I walk through the ship I can tell that many of the crew of are discontent with the current leadership arrangement. This is to be expected. To mitigate further feelings of frustration, Ensign Teffin and I have promoted various officers and crew to acting leadership roles. The temporary promotions are attached to this log. This should make delegating tasks easier for the bridge crew and a marked efficiency in repairs and operations.
End Log
Acting Captain's Log
Stardate 47745.3
(Three days after second log)
Repair work is continuing nominally. Those who were asked to step into temporary leadership roles are still learning what it takes to be a competent leader, but crew morale has not worsened since the leadership changes took effect. I make it a point to visit at least two departments today and speak to as many crewmen as I can. Generally, I get the sense that they are wary of me. This is normal, I am an untested captain only one year out of Starfleet Academy. I do not expect anyone to have blind faith in my ability to captain a starship. Trust and respect is something that I must earn, as all captains do. I have been ordered by our acting chief of medical to get some sleep or be confined to sickbay and given a sleep hypo. It has been 5 days since I last slept more than 15 minutes at a time, I do not wish to push myself further for risk of it impairing my judgement detrimentally.
End Log
* Acting Captain Logs will be recorded every other day reporting on status of ship and crew*
Acting Captain's Log
Stardate 47797.4
Attachments: [Incident_Report_Ensign_Cruz], [Incident_Report_Crewmen_Molde]
Crew morale is stable and trending upward. Ship repairs are on track to be completed on schedule. In an attempt to reduce some of the stress on the acting senior staff and to strengthen inter-crew relations, I hosted a small gathering in my quarters. The gathering was an opportunity for the acting senior staff to get to know me, outside of being acting captain, and for me to get to know them in a less professional setting. Five of my senior officers did not attend, I have made a note to follow up with them later and invite them personally to dinner in my quarters. Unfortunately, there was an incident of harassment perpetuated by Crewmen Molde to Ensign Paranisi, which caused Ensign Cruz to resort to physical violence. A full incident report on both Ensign Cruz and Crewmen Molde are attached to this log. Ensign Cruz has been put on probationary status and spent the night in the ship's brig. Crewmen Molde was given an official warning, put on probationary status and was reassigned from the alpha shift to the delta shift. Both of their behavior will be monitored closely going forward and more severe consequences will be dealt if either do not uphold crew social expectations.
End Log

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  3. Personal Log: Graduation from Starfleet Academy
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  4. CMD101 Assignment #3: Personal Log (E_Ailyn)
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  5. Personal Log: First Week on the USS Electra
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  6. Personal Log: In-orbit Around Damitar 4 (Day 1)
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  7. Acting Captain's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
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  8. Acting Captain's Log: Stardates 47731.6 - 47797.4
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  9. Acting Captain's Log: Stardate 42372.5
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  10. Personal Correspondence with S’el T’ehnaya Selar