Personal Correspondence with S’el T’ehnaya Selar by Evrosa | World Anvil

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Sun 6th Nov 2022 06:10

Personal Correspondence with S’el T’ehnaya Selar

by Evrosa Ailyn

To my imzadi,
Parted from me and never parted. Always and never touching and touched. I hope you are well. Though I know you will say that Vulcan's do not experience the same emotional stress that a Betazoid would, I can't imagine the toll that these past few weeks must have taken on you. I desperately wish I could speak to you in person. Though our bond stretches through the lightyears, nothing compares to the feeling on serenity and safety that comes with being in the same space as you, my t'hy'la.
To sooth any concerns you might still have, I am alive and I am well. Though the USS Electra will not win any awards for its aesthetic beauty currently, all systems are functioning normally. Our warp drive has been fully repaired and I am sending this message to you as we are traveling at max warp. Our recent encounter with the Ferengi have made me grateful to the years of diplomacy lessons I was put through. Perhaps Starfleet should require all command track cadets to learn the art of charming your opponent into getting what you want. I believe I may have scandalized the crew a bit by my antics, but I can take the snide comments and the ridiculous rumors because at the end of the day it kept my crew safe, and bought them more time. There has been talk of mutiny on this ship. There are many who believe that they can sit in the command chair and bark out orders better than I can. But alas, they do not fully understand what it means to be a leader. Being a leader does not mean that everyone serves you, but that you serve everyone. I would give my whole self, my life, my soul, my being to protect the ship and the crew. I was prepared to give my whole self, if I must, even though it would have corrupted our bond, the piece of me that I cherish the most.
I am fortunate that it did not come to that, and I hope that it will not ever come to that. If it does, then I hope it will be after we are fully bonded. So I can languish in the strength and tranquility of our bond as the rest of me is ripped away.
Live long and prosper

Continue reading...

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  2. Personal Log: First Day at Starfleet Academy
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  3. Personal Log: Graduation from Starfleet Academy
    24th of May, 2369
  4. CMD101 Assignment #3: Personal Log (E_Ailyn)
    September 24th, 2365
  5. Personal Log: First Week on the USS Electra
    June 3rd, 2369
  6. Personal Log: In-orbit Around Damitar 4 (Day 1)
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  7. Acting Captain's Log: Events Surrounding Damitar 4
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  8. Acting Captain's Log: Stardates 47731.6 - 47797.4
    Stardate 47797.4
  9. Acting Captain's Log: Stardate 42372.5
    Stardate 42372.5
  10. Personal Correspondence with S’el T’ehnaya Selar