Personal Log: Mid-Semester Recap by Evrosa | World Anvil

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17th of October, 2365 (11th of Ekib)

Personal Log: Mid-Semester Recap

by Evrosa Ailyn

Mid-semester examinations have just concluded and I am reasonably content with my results. I was concerned that my performance in my Intergalactic Comparative Politics course was lacking, but I think I saved it at the end by translating that mock treaty from standard to Vulcan.
Which... speaking of Vulcan... I was contacted by the IT department at Starfleet Academy. Apparently, someone has been accessing my logs from the Vulcan Science Academy. Too bad they haven't been able to figure out who it is... (Hello ashayam, don't get caught).
I'm starting to develop a rhythm to everyday life. Not quite a routine, as my days are currently too varied, but I now feel like I am able to keep up with the breakneck pace of the academy. I've even started to make friends outside of my courses! There is a group of us who study for our Command and Control class every Tuesday and Thursday evening. I've gotten to learn so much about the other federation planets from them and have gotten to teach them about Betazed.
I miss home a lot. Sometimes I wake up and still expect to be in my bed back home instead of the rickety cadet beds in the dorms. I miss my brothers, I hope they come to understand why I left. If not now, then perhaps when they are older. I don't regret my decision to join Starfleet. In fact, with each passing day I am sure that this is my true destiny.
End log