Personal Log: Graduation from Starfleet Academy by Evrosa | World Anvil

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24th of May, 2369

Personal Log: Graduation from Starfleet Academy

by Evrosa Ailyn

It has been 1412 days since I started at Starfleet Academy and today I step on campus as a student for the very last time. There is a common Earth saying, "time flies when you're having fun.", which has been somewhat altered for Starfleet cadets to say, "time flies even when you're not having fun.". My time at the academy has been the greatest challenge of my life, and I can honestly say that I am going to greatly miss it. However, I'm on to bigger and better things! I received my first orders yesterday. I will be an ensign on the USS Electra! Sure, it's not the flagship like the Enterprise. But the enterprise didn't take any cadets this year, and I've gotten to work with Captain Marcus in the past and think I can learn a lot from her.
Speaking of the Enterprise, I am disappointed that I graduate a year too late to have Captain Picard as the commencement speaker. It's not often that the Enterprise visits Earth for an extended period of time, and I would have loved to talk to him one on one. I would even scrounge up my tactical analysis notes so I could ask him all of the questions I have about different aspects of his command. To be honest, he probably would hate that. But I didn't spend 5 months studying every Starfleet captain's mission logs to NOT ask my burning questions. Maybe I'll leave behind my notes for the next tactical initiative president. I heard Captain Cusak is supposed to visit the academy next fall, that would be a great person to talk to.
Honestly, it makes me so irritated when I see Wesley Crusher swaggering around the academy like he's better than everyone. Just because his mother served on the flagship and Captain Picard made him an ensign at 15 doesn't mean he's better than any of us. He's an average student AT BEST and spends way too much time on the holodecks rather than in the library. Wait, why am I even taking up space in the final Starfleet academy log to even talk about him??
Selar, I know you listen to these. You already know my feelings about Crusher, regardless of how illogical you think they are. My apologies, imzadi.
The graduation ceremony starts in 46.7 minutes. I can see my fellow classmates with their families outside the window. Though it's been years, I still can't but miss home. I wish my family were here to support me. But it doesn't matter. Tomorrow I will be serving on a starship! Nothing can ruin my mood now.
End Log

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