Personal Log: In-orbit Around Damitar 4 (Day 1) by Evrosa | World Anvil

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Stardate 100310.36

Personal Log: In-orbit Around Damitar 4 (Day 1)

by Evrosa Ailyn

Stardate 100310.36
If I knew at the beginning of the day what awaited me in the following hours, I would have eaten something heavier for breakfast. Today should have been a standard shift. We had three new ensigns starting onboard the USS Electra and Sorra and I were tasked with "meeting and greeting" them and showing them around the ship. Sorra and I had spent the previous evening decorating the mess hall, as we found out that it was Ensign Fox's birthday today. Lt, Jelaso was NOT thrilled at our choice of colorful streamers and balloons. Regardless, Ensign Fox was very surprised and happy when we brought her into the mess. She even cried a little bit, may the four deities bless her. I don't think she's ever had a birthday like this before. I'm glad I was able to make her first day so memorable.
After getting the ensigns situated with their duty rosters, I was asked to the bridge to work with Lieutenant Jelaso. When I arrived she tasked me to babysit this young boy named Alph. At first he was difficult and obstinate, but with the help of a new Ensign, Fontaine, and Sorra we were able to sufficiently entertain him in the holodeck. The kid certainly loved to pretend to blow up different ships. I remember my brothers also enjoying those types of games when we were younger.
We had a slight breech in security. Ensign Fontaine and I found a member of one of the factions on Damitar 4 in possession of an EM signal reading device. Fortunately, we were able to stop this individual before they were able to leave the Electra with sensitive information. The ruler of the faction was apologetic, and I believe that it helped the captain move towards brokering peace.
After, I took Alph down to the botanical gardens and Ensign Fontaine talked to him about the various plant life on Earth and on the Federation Planets. Fortunately, Ensign Fontaine grew up on a farm with younger siblings so he was really able to capture Alph's attention. I also got a chance to talk to the kid about not wanting your entire life planned out for you by someone else. I could feel he was deeply saddened by it. I hope one day he will be given the opportunity to take his own destiny in his hands, like I did.
We just saw Alph and the rest of the delegates off the ship. The captain was so pleased with our work today that she made us acting bridge crew while we they went down to a peace party on the planet's surface.
That means........ IM ACTING CAPTAIN!!!! *muffled scream* My shift on the bridge starts in 23 minutes. My first time sitting in the captain's chair outside of the holodeck! I am so excited! Sure, it's going to be a bit boring. But I am so excited that the captain has enough faith in me to put ME in charge as acting captain until the senior officers come back.
End Log

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