CMD101 Assignment #3: Personal Log (E_Ailyn) by Evrosa | World Anvil

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September 24th, 2365

CMD101 Assignment #3: Personal Log (E_Ailyn)

by Evrosa Ailyn

Name: Evrosa Ailyn
Date: September 24th, 2365
Time: 20:37 Pacific Standard Time
Class: Command 101
Instructor: Professor Greggor
The purpose of this assignment was stated as such: "record a first log detailing your first weeks at Starfleet Academy, your travel here, an experience you had so far, or anything you like! Be sure to include details that bring the log to life. You can include things you liked, disliked, found challenging"
*brief pause*
Personal Log, stardate 3245.8. It has been 15 days since the fall term started at Starfleet Academy. While I no longer get lost on my way to classes, I still do not feel as though I have fully acclimatized to the campus. The weather in San Fransisco is much colder than the weather on Betazed, with an average temperature difference of approximately 12.5 degrees centigrade. Thus far, the workload has proven to be manageable and permits for time to be dedicated to pursuits outside of academics. Tomorrow the academy is hosting the biannual cadet organizations fair. After scanning the list of organizations that will be present, I find myself interested in learning more about the tactical initiatives club, the xenolinguistics club, the intergalactic affairs club, and the future captains of starfleet organization. I am looking forward to discussing the various ways I can become more involved on campus, however I hope I don't overwhelm myself by doing too much too soon.
End of log.
**Instructor comments: 94/100 well-spoken and succinct. Would liked to have heard more about your impressions of Starfleet Academy**
(Evrosa is devastated with this grade)

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