Personal Log: First Week on the USS Electra by Evrosa | World Anvil

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June 3rd, 2369

Personal Log: First Week on the USS Electra

by Evrosa Ailyn

Personal Log, stardate 3425.7....
Well, I've been on the USS Electra for exactly one standard Earth week. It still seems strange to be an actual crew member onboard a starship. I'm just waiting for the simulation to end and Professor Anival to give me notes on my performance.... But it's real, I'm here. Living and working on a federation starship. This is USS Electra's maiden voyage after an intense overhaul and refit. Walking the halls you would never guess that the ship is over 100 years old. Everything seems so new and shiny, even some of the replicators still have their protective plastic coverings on them! My first week as an ensign has been packed with trainings and tours. I feel like my head is going to explode just trying to remember everyone's name! The emotional energy on the ship is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I can feel the crew's excitement buzzing through my veins even as I lie in my bunk at the end of a workday. It is thrilling to be on a ship where everyone is so committed to the mission. Speaking of commitment, I got to meet the senior bridge crew.... INCLUDING Captain Marcus and her first officer Commander Hobbs. Captain Marcus held a dinner in HER OWN PRIVATE QUARTERS for all of the new ensigns on board the Electra. When I got my orders and found out that I was going to be on the Electra and it was going to be captained by THE CAPTAIN MARCUS, I was thrilled. Her methods may be unorthodox to many traditionalists within Starfleet, but she is a brilliant strategist. When I was president of the tactical initiatives club back at the Academy I wrote to her asking about her meteoric rise to command and the outcomes of some tactical strategies she had recently published. Well, when I introduced myself at the dinner she immediately knew who I was! *squeal* We then had a THIRTY minute conversation about the pros and cons of the Venko and Alkehine strategies. THIRTY MINUTES! THREE-ZERO! I can't believe the captain of a starship would even want to talk to a new ensign for that long. She was so nice and SO helpful. She recommended several books for me to read in my free time. I've been able to track done most of them, but can't seem to find "A Book of Five Rings" in any public databases.... Hmm I wonder if it would be overstepping to ask the Captain for assistance... She did say if I had questions to ask her.... But I also don't want to bother her.... She's so busy.... But when she told me to "bother her at anytime" she seemed to have genuine emotions... But that could have just been a human hyperbole... What time is it? Has alpha shift started? Is she even awake?... Maybe if I see her again I'll ask for her assistance in locating the book.... AAAHH I just want her to like me!
Okay I'm being ridiculous. MOVING ON. The rest of the senior officers are wonderful as well. Commander Hobbs is a fascinating individual, they are the captain's dyad and yet dichotomy. I hope to learn much from them during my time with the Electra. The head of engineering is a Vulcan! I felt that many of the new ensigns were apprehensive towards him, he is the very picture of Vulcan stoicism.... He also has a son onboard! Ensign Sorra Teffin is his name, he's half Vulcan and half Romulan..... Selar, Ashayam, if you are listening to this... I think you would get along great. In a way he reminds me of you. Also in engineering is another Ensign named Marley Vash, they are a bit older than the rest of us and a little more reserved, but they have such a pure energy. It's refreshing being in their presence. I hope that we become friends soon. They seem to have a quiet sadness about them, I'm not sure why. But in the still moments it settles upon their emotions like a fine layer of dust.
This log entry has been long enough. I think it's time for bed.
End of log

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