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Wed 24th Jan 2024 03:05


by Boudica Burwitz

I try to write with this...flashlight. It is like a torch but made of magic. Ugh. long day.
We follow monster track to find Ma. May be feet of pointy lady or the scaled things- don't care. Must lead to her. We walked for days in the woods. Trying to ignore that the tracks were fading. Exhaustion hit but we had to find Ma. I *have* to find her. I couldn't save her. I need her. Zylah need her. She don't sleep good now. She always mad at me now.
Things outside of Heckle make no sense. Why tree look like ass? Is that common? Why do people pick poison mushrooms to heal old men? Make no sense.
Neither do our new...ack-kway-ten-ses.
They do strange things. Manon is one. Makes sparkles come from hand. Is it Magic? Ma talk about it, but never seen. Kaylan has magic too. She fight with it but can protect and heal. wounds wind together without touching. Thersha I must watch. She do not say much- has secrets. Not a threat but saw her fight. Do not underestimate her. Madlyn also good fighter. A knight. Wears armour had shiny sword. She seem like the leader of the group.
They came again. Scaled creatures. Like what destroyed our home, killed our Pa. But they look different. Like people look different, but are the same. But this time, their blood turned others into stone. I let the anger take control. The rage feels good. Easier to change into. I fight like hell but I can’t stop looking for Zy. The others fight well (well...some of them) but they held their own. Zy can hold her own, but I won't risk it.
It was my fault. I attacked a monster and it exploded. It turned her to stone. It was accident. I know she can fight but I can’t lose her. I can’t risk it. But me protecting her made her turn to stone.
Kaylan saved her. Turn her back to human with the sparkles. I won’t forget that. She ask strange questions, but she saved the only family I have left.
Not interested in making friends. But they've seen her. Point hat lady. She was with Manon's grandpa. He may know more. They help us fight monsters and they saved Zylah. Their home- Lemish- is in the same direction as the tracks. Kaylan speak of Thestral. A wise advisor, she may have knowledge of Pointy hat lady. Thestral is a good fighter, strong, and smart. We need that. She may know where to find Ma.
Zylah and I join them. They may have the answers we need. Maybe they can comfort Zylah more than I can.

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