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Wed 7th Feb 2024 03:07


by Boudica Burwitz

What to do? Where to go? Too many questions, but today, we finally had an answer. We rode away from Lemish. Hear the roar of the dragon, but we dare not turn back. We had to find a place for Thestral to be buried and get out of Lemish.
Zy couldn't handle the horses. I helped, which she did not like. As usual. But she needs to understand I am here to help her. But words are not my specialty so I just sit there. She is losing it. Slowly. I can see her grip slipping. All of this death is tearing her apart and I can only watch. She ask me if we are cursed. If all these deaths are happening because of us. But these deaths are not our fault. We did not set dragon on Lemish. I didn't even know dragons were real. Whatever this is- that bad hat lady- is something bigger than us. I try to explain that but I do not know what to say. Ma would have known what to say. I miss her. I dunno what Ma got us into, but this is serious.
Manon sad all day too. I watched her. She is like Zy. There is sadness in her eyes and she does not know what to do with it. Nor do I- but I tried to be of some use. Manon say that this Hat lady is an evil queen of dragons. She has a book with words in it that says that... I guess? If she is the Queen of Dragons- we need to be stronger. That other dragon was not a Queen and we barely survived. Though I do not understand Madlyn and her strange exercises, maybe I should join to get stronger. I will need to be to protect Zy.
Kaylan talked to her imaginary friend (Lord knows what that means) and used the magic to make a burial site for Thestral. It was nice, I guess. I think it was a good place to bury her. Near her home but a nice place. I wonder where we will be buried one day.
The journey continued. Zy and I stayed with the horses. It felt good to be useful. Without having any of that magic stuff, all I can do it hit things. We don't have time to farm or make weapons, so there isn't much I can do. Sad. I don't know where we are or what we are up against. I don't even know if I am strong enough for the task.
We meet new lady today. Laina was a short fighter-but a good one. Good to see other fighters, though I could punt her like a football if needed. She has a mushroom friend too. I was unsure about it- but had seen all sorts of crazy things in past few days so why not. At least it is better than that rodent...Zy told me that it is not a Gerbil. In fact- he not rodent at all. I do not understand it, but I am watching it closely. It pointed at me. AT ME. The audacity. I could destroy it with one finger and it tries to challenge me! Nothing make me madder than that little thing! It does nothing! It did not help Grandpa Mary. It does not fight bad guys. It just twitches and points! I DESPISE IT!!
**Smudges appear on the page in random, angry swirls from a broken pencil that clearly snapped from being pressed far too hard into the parchment**
It take all my power not to crush it. I respect Kaylan. I will not crush it...for now...Anyways- Laina. Laina saw the hat lady with our Ma. I hate to hear it. Make me mad. But give me hope. Ma is alive. When Grandpa Mary died, I was worried our Ma faced the same fate. But Ma is strong. Stronger than me. She is still alive. We can find her.
I now rest with my belly full (had a great entire pie today- very happy) and the magic flashlight again. We are learning more about dragons and how to save Ma. We have a new fighter and we are rested. We must be ready to fight. I am ready to try, but I fear for some of the ones behind me. Kaylan, Manon....Zy.... They need to get it together, but I know that is not nice to say. Bo needs to be nice (except for not-gerbil.).
Bo need to be ready to slay dragons.

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