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Fri 3rd May 2024 01:54


by Boudica Burwitz

What a long day.
I thought it was bad at first. We left the nice place of Tarsis (a lot had changed since I left the bathroom) and walked right back into desert. Sand is course, rough, gets everywhere. No like. It was so hot and Myza kept marching ahead. She know where to go but do not care if we are there to follow.
Steve did well in the sand. Despite the heat, he carried both Zy and I there. There was first a mountain. Then became a canyon. I still don't like this magic stuff, not unless it is Kaylan and Manon magic. That is good magic. But this magic make it so you do not know what to believe. Or if what you see is real.
We climb down. I have climbed trees, not canyons. But there are ledges. There is rope. There is horses. But not Steve. We have to leave Steve behind.
"Steve needs a strap on." Manon say this. Everyone start giggling- especially Kaylan and Lania. But I think if we had something big and hard to hold Steve, we could carry him down. But no strap on for Steve. Steve have to stay behind. Zy able to speak to Steve. I dunno why I didn't think of it before. I could have asked her to talk to him. I could have learn more about him. What kind of apple he like. What he wanted to do. But now I never get the chance. I want to carry him down the mountain, but too risky. (And Madlyn said no. She know best.)
It only get harder. We find big airships, but all have holes in them. Myza does not seem sad. She walk ahead to one far away.
But then she came. Takhisis. She stood right there. The one that take Ma and kill Pa. I get so mad I grab my axe, but Zy shoot her first. Straight between the eyes. But it go through her. It like that magic. She isn't here. That makes me even angrier.
She challenge Manon. At first, I feel scared. Manon is family. Takhisis use big words, try to make it like she wasn't resp-on-cib-ill for what happen in Heckle. Try to paint it differently. I hate it. I hate how some of it make sense. But Manon show me new strength. She do not listen to her. Not even when Takhisis threatens us. Manon know what we are capable of, and what we are willing to die for.
I sharpen my axe. Hell yeah.
We fight dragons. Four big ones with riders. They swoop down and target one person at a time. Madlyn, Lania and me have hard time fighting them. We cannot reach sky. I see Madlyn try to jump on one, so I do too. I want to ride dragon. I could definitely ride dragon.
But nope. Too fast. Will need to practice again.
Takhisis do not relent. She go for Kaylan next. Our healer, our friend. I see blood and anguish over her, but she keep fighting. I do not know who this Mish-ick-all is, but I know why she pick someone so strong. She live, but just.
Then they went for Zy. I hate not being strong enough. Zy took out 3 dragons like it was nothing. All I could do was give her potion Kaylan made. She was mad at me, but she will get over it. I'd rather her be mad at me for eternity than gone.
Takhisis- coward- left. She gone. We have to find dragons to defeat her. Myza get airship ready and off we go. I do not like flying. I do not like that Kaylan and Zy and Lania so hurt. I do not not not like that Steve is gone. But I do like we together.
P.S. --I guess Gerbil fight good today. Not bad for a bacon stealer.

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