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Wed 24th Apr 2024 02:36


by Boudica Burwitz

Last entry I write: "I hope it is a plan we live through....and have no books on the other side."
What a dumb-dumb.
Myza had a plan. A bad plan we barely lived through. Plan involved fighting scorepions (skorpions?) of many sizes. We were covered in those tiny bastards. They stung and clawed our skin while we fought giant ones. Myza was no help. She made a metal box around her to protect her while we did all the work. We barely lived through this plan. In fact, if it wasn't for Lania riding a new creature and finding a way, we would have died. Oh, and that 'way out' was by being thrown into a giant sinkhole in the desert by a big score-pee-on.
Again, Bad. Plan.
Even worse, we land in library. LIBRARY. Library have books. Bo hate books...
But this library was different. There was lots of magic. It felt...odd. Like how the pillar felt in Solanthus. Like something was in the air. A man stood by the entrance to the library. Myza walk right past him. Starting to not like our small friend. She do not help.
The man tells us to learn something. Only the truth. I like the truth. I don't care for people's excuses, just the facts. Makes it all easy. But learn something? Ugh. Normally, I would be furious, but this time, I have a plan. We have plan. We each decide to look up different stuff. We have many questions. Who is Grandpa Mary? Who are the knights of the rose? What are all these gods and why are they wasting our time? Zy wants to learn about the land. In Heckle she knew every tree and plant. Here, very different. She want a map. She want to learn the land. Kaylan need to find information on unicorns (horse like Steve but with horn), and Madlyn want to know more about the Knights of Rose.
I want to make a sword. A sword that will chop of Takesis's head. I take the dragon metal to the strange altars in the library. They show us where to go. The man follow us, which is weird but I ignore him. I try to read a book...or two... it take me time. I read about dragon lances. They were used by warriors that rode dragons to kill other dragons. I get excited. This is what I want. I want something strong enough to kill a dragon. I learn that a Paladin called Adam Caladen had a special sword called Oathkeeper. It was made for knights of the rose- which is pretty much what Madilyn is- to kill Loren Soth. We have heard his name many time before...I don't remember why. I doubt he will be a problem.
The metal we found is part of the sword Oathkeeper. I am sure. In the room is a ball of swirling liquid. It is dragon metal. I remember I had healing potion from Kaylan. So I quick drink it, then use the bottle to capture the liquid. Big brain thinking. The books say the sword can be fixed with a special hammer of catharsis and a silver arm? I dunno who's arm we have to take, but I am ready to chop it off if it means we can make a dragon-killing-tahkisis-beheading blade. Can find it beneath the silver dragon mountain in the fog haven veil. More metal in Khaloris mountain. I write this down quick with the book open in my lap because I know I forget and spelling hard. With this, we can kill Takhisis. We can save Ma and avenge Pa.
Maybe library ain't so bad. Gilean ask what I learn and I tell him. He nods. Seem like decent guy.
My second goal was to find out about the clothes I found. They were Ma's but I never see her wear it. I could not show Zy. Not yet. What if they were bad? What if... No. I am sure our Ma would not be involved in anything bad. She was always strong, kind, honest. She couldn't be bad. But I need to know more. The library alter lead me to another room, one with many statues in old clothes. There is one that looks exactly the same, just a different colour. It say Kalaman nobility.
My jaw drop. Nobility? Ma? The Ma the shoveled pig shit and cooked with Zy? Our Ma can't be royal. But how did she get this? It smell like her. It is her size. Must be hers, not someone else's. But why? Why didn't she say anything. I have lots more questions, but one was answered. Ma didn't do anything bad. I can't believe I doubted it. I'm mad at myself for even thinking it. But watching her fight when Heckle was attacked just didn't make sense at the time. It was like fighting was second nature. But I had never seen it. I would train alone. In the fields long after Pa had gone to bed. Still, should not doubt Ma.
I find Madilyn and Lana. Mannon is nose deep in 500 books so we leave her be. Happy for her- she love book. Zy is making a map and Kaylan is learning about Unicorns, so Lania and Madlyn and I decide to run a race. Madlyn is fast. Too fast. She beat me easy. Lana is also fast, especially for someone so small. But, I beat them both at push up challenge. I can see anger in Madlyn eyes that I won and it make me happy.
The man returns. We all meet back in the middle and the man say his name is Gilean. He a God. I confused. He look a like a man. But I say nothing. Magic is all new and dumb. He tells us about the past. About the dragon wars that plagued the land between Paladin and the metallic dragons and Takhisis and the chromatic dragons. Loren Soth was sent to Istar to kill their King, because he wanted to be a God. But Loren then decide to join him so Paladin threw a mountain on the entire city and killed them all.
I gulp. A mountain? Like big rock? Bo strong. Bo like a boulder...but Bo cannot lift a mountain. We need Paladin to be our friend, but Gilean say he is near impossible to reach. UNLESS you have a small golden dragon key. And guess who it was? That little waste of space. That tiny gerbil king of napping. Of course, Thestral turns into gold dragon. Whole time he could have helped.! Instead he eat my bacon and point at me. Now he a dragon. Typical.
We leave library with new purpose. Myza had a airship. Zy has read the manual. We good to go. We need to wake up good dragons, make sword, and kill bad dragons.
What could possibly go wrong?

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