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Sat 31st Aug 2024 10:47


by Boudica Burwitz

Day 1 of spying on Kravana: She jsut sit in the corner. Eyes closed. I watch her from afar, axe in hand. She do not notice. I tell steve she a bad lady. Zy watch her with her arrows. We will know if she tries anything suspicious.
Day 2 of spying on Kravana: She do not do much but sit and med-it-ate. It boring. But at least she stay away from my friends.
Day 3 of spying on Kravana: I found new favourite game. I tell Manon that Kravana needs education. Manon like to read and has lot of knowledge. Kravana does not like to talk or be talked to. So Manon talk to her about bananas for 2 hours. Make Bo happy to see Kravana twitch whenever Manon pulls out more books. If I cannot physically hurt her, I can emotionally hurt her. Keep her in line.
Day 4: Game has to stop. Big bird in the sky fly above us. Then another big bird jump off it. It tells us to follow. It need our help. I am nervous, but the bird do not attack us. So we follow. The airship go up to top of mountain. Very cold here. We have to take turns in the ship to stasy warm. Their home is in the top of mountains, too cold for Bo to live. But, they want us to fly with them.
Fly you say? Well. What a co-inky-dink.
I am ready to fly. I tap the boots (need to to turn them on) and carry Manon. Manon smart and can use magic. I strong and can fly. We can be a good team. It hard to fly with legs, but it is like running. Bird takes us to a bird statue. Bird statue that look like a soldier. There are lots of other real birds there, watching the statue. They ask us to change rock-bird back to normal-bird. Manon say he was petrified, a magic that make people a rock. Manon know what to do, but do not know the spell yet. She try to explain to them. But they have a hard time. They do not know magic either. I try to explain it, because I still don't know that much magic. You can't learn to fly if you don't have wings. Just like you can't learn magic unless you were born with it.
Their general, Raz, understands. He decides to come with us. To help us until we can free their leader. But they want something of ours to keep until we come back. Manon give them Grandpa Mary’s book. She has it memorized, but I can see how she struggle to let it go, like her fingers don't work for just a moment. It is important to her and she is risking a lot for this. I can do that same. I give mom clothing. Zy will be mad, I know already. But if Manon can do it, Bo can do it too.
(I do tell bird that if something happen to it I will skewer him like a turkey dinner, just in case)
Raz now with us. A part of the circle of the booty tree. He sits outside on the airship and like the cold. He do not say much, like Kravana. But he seem nice, unlike Kravana.
We now fly to unite dwarves. I got back to annoying Kravana. Zy goes back to hiding food from me. Kaylan try to get Madlyn to spend time with her. It remind me of Zy and Tristian sneaking off into woods, but Madlyn is completely oblivious. Manon all giggly and I carry her to fly around and help Kaylan try to get Madlyn to dance with her. It do not go smooth but Kaylan look happy. I like seeing Kaylan happy. She help others so much I do not think she help herself.
I learn to fly with boots. Golden-turd-monger/gerbil/supposed-dragon teach me how. He hit me in air, but I quick to bounce back. Kravana meditate on the deck and I fly around her. Just to make sure she don't get too comfortable and remind her I can get her even though she is tall.

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