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Mon 19th Feb 2024 03:10


by Boudica Burwitz

A better day?
We arrive in Solanthus. Big city. Big walls. With two big rocks in the centre that cut through the sky. I seen many rocks in my life. They are not normal boulders... Many questions and unsure, but already better than Lemish. Actually organised and not full of shady creatures or- better yet-Dragons. We hope to find Kaylan's mentor's friend (whoever he is) and answers to find the bad hat/horny lady while we are here. I pray we get answers.
Zy is still quiet but better. She has a glint in her eye, like she has something planned. It may be troublesome, dangerous, or dumb, but make me happy. She is more like herself. Like before this all happened. Before we enter Solanthus, we go through a field of wild horses. Zy like horses. We had horses at the farm. It does not take long for me to tame one. It is like home, with father there to guide me through. He said horses deserve respect. They carry kings into battle and queens across the land. Though we have plenty, I think one more might make Zy happy. I find one that looks strong, hopefully strong enough to take Zy far away if she need it.
His name is Steve. He is brown. A good horse. Strong and wild, yet manageable. I should have mentioned the respect thing to Kaylan before she whacked it. But I think she learned her lesson in the end.
We follow Kaylan to a big place in city. Soldiers training. They move good but look weak. Their sword made of wood. Wood do not cut but I say nothing. In fact, we let Madlyn do all the talking. She is very confident and persuasive. Well....most of the time.
At the top of the watchtower in the training ground was a true warrior. Bald, red beard, fierce eyes. The anger there remind me of Ma. Madlyn approach him and give him message from her friend Arthur. We are told to wait at the bottom of the tower. We do not hear what is said. Next thing we know, Madlyn is trapped, surrounded by a ring of soldiers with the bald man watching her. He sends in warrior after warrior and Madlyn destroy them quickly. I am physically stronger than her, but Madlyn is a warrior no doubt. She fight well. Maybe one day, I may ask to join her session. But I think Kaylan need more help than me. Yet, her tongue was not sharp today. She challenge bald guy. Bad idea. Never challenge bald guy with sword. Sure enough, he nearly slaughtered her. He was fast, strong, and relentless. Madlyn fought bravely and he spared her for that. I was ready to jump in but glad I didn't need to.
We were welcomed into Solanthus. First we needed to find shelter. Zy and I went to the Dirty Unicorn. Cheap place with small bed. I would stay there, but Madlyn already voiced not wanting dirty place. She did fight a general today, so we decided not to stay there. The only nice thing about the Dirty Unicorn was the stick on top of the Horse statue to make it a unicorn. Steve would like that stick. Maybe it make Zy laugh. I want to make Zy laugh. But too many eyes watching. I do NOT want to end up in a jail again. So we stay in fancy place. They have good breakfast there.
Much happen. Manon took us to the library. It was full of books. Book I do not read. Book I do not like. But there was a ladder to climb where I go upside down but don't. Magic is...confusing. But I am learning more. Manon had seemed as grey as her robes. She didn't say much. Any thing related to her grandpa or Thersha broke her like glass. But today she yelled at a rude magician and her robes turned white. She is growing. It give me hope. Even Manon can become stronger with time. Maybe we do have a chance against the bad hat lady.
Lania learn to cook good food. She stay up with the chef to cook. Others giggle and tease- I do not understand why, cooking is a good skill- but I think she enjoy her time. At first, I thought she would be sad in Solanthus. Mott left us. He stay in the forest. I wanted to go with Mott, but knew I had to fight my fears and enter big city. Yet, a big red hawk joined her and became her friend.
One thing has been bothering me. Well, not true. Two things. You know the second. He point at me too much. He say he fall from sky and has a family. It made me think if he fight for his family too. But I care not. It does not help still and I do not like the way it look at me. Steve could squish it like a bug but I dare not. It is at least harmless. I guess that is something.
The thing that really bother me is what Madlyn say at breakfast. She tell us that a spider talk to her. Spiders do not talk. But this Spider a God. Do God spiders talk? I guess. This one does. It told her that killing the horny lady is not right. It want to contain her. It make me so angry I nearly threw my breakfast. We have to destroy her. Not kill-destroy. I want my axe buried in her skull for what she did. If she has harmed a single hair on my Ma's head I want her to suffer. Not survive. Not be in jail. Destroyed. I do not trust this God. It does not seem to care what it has done. They tell us to awaken another God- Gillian- but I do not know if these Gods will help us. I am afraid our friends listen to them too much. We have to stay together and fight the bad hat lady. Zy happier now. Manon stronger. Lania learning. Madlyn braver. Kaylan healing. We are not the same group that ran from that green dragon. If what Manon says is true, then the gold dragon may be hiding in Lemish ruins still. It will be dangerous to go back, but what other choice do we have? Otherwise, we have to travel far south to find more information. Both options are dangerous.
We need to prepare for whatever is to come. I found someone who can help. Her name is Darma. She is a dwarvish blacksmith in Solanthus. I studied her work when I visit her shop. It looks clean, solid, sturdy. I know I want her guidance and supplies. She gives me small tasks to complete, which I am sure I can. Once I do that, I can make my weapons and armour stronger. As I try to write, smushed in this tiny room with that pesty gerbil snoring too loud, I try to think about how to strengthen Zy bow, Madlyn's sword, Lania's weapons, Kaylan's shield. Maybe armour for Manon? We need to prepare. If the Gods to not want to kill the Dragon Queen, then we may have to fight the Gods to get to her.
Tomorrow, we prepare to slay Gods.

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