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Sat 31st Aug 2024 10:53


by Boudica Burwitz

We now know where the hammer is. Nordic and Lania's-King-Grandpa let us go to it. It is guarded because they do not want others knowing they have it. Something about starting a war with all the dwarves, but I don't really know much about history. Madlyn and Manon are nervous that something will happen to Nordic while we are gone. I can see that it make Lania very nervous too. She just found her family. She can’t let something happen to it.
Bo do something that may be stupid, but it felt right at the time. I give Kravana my Great Club. Since she doesn't have her weapons. I wasn’t using it anyway, but at least she can whack people if Nordic is attacked. I know Zy will be mad so I do not tell her. She always mad at me now-a-days.
I do remind Kravana that I do not trust her, just in case she forgot.
We go to the hammer. The dwarves have made a big metal door in front of it, to keep it locked away. The Guards are nervous to let us through, but do. We make a secret knock to let them know to let us out and enter.
It dark. in the cave. Cold, Bones everywhere. But there it is. I don’t believe it. That hammer can make dragon lances. The one weapon to kill Takhisis.
I sense Zy want to touch it. I grab her. Don’t be dumb. Don’t touch it. Kaylan say we should all hold hands and then Zy touch it. It work, but the hammer is magic. It take us somewhere different. It look the same as our world, but no dwarf door. And the air is…cold. I just feel gloomy, almost hopeless. But we go forward. The farther we go, the worse it feels. Like I want to lie down and do nothing. But Kaylan take it the worst. She has so many feelings, why she helps others. But her skin turns ashy and she walk funny. She isn’t smiling, she isn’t talking as much. She doesn’t seem right. Manon help her, Madlyn leads the way and checks on her. I stand close. In case she needs help. Zy also start to act strange. It make me nervous.
But we find a tower. Big tower run by a wizard. He let us explore. I find lots of dragon metal. Metal we need, especially if we get the hammer. We all go to the top floor and I want to ask for the metal.
But of course. He a bad guy.
He try to take Manon. Manon is more important than I think she knows. Takhisis wants her, this bad wizard does too. Being a time wizard must make her super important. We all fight these big shadows and I use my shield to protect people. I use it whenever I can. To see my Mom whenever I do just makes me feel like a better fighter. We have to run from floor to floor to escape the tower. There are spider webs, evil shadows, all sorts.
But then there is the metal…I can’t leave it. Everyone is trying to run but I have to stay. I drink all the potions I have and use the bottles to get as much as I can. I know I may be left behind, but I have to do this. It only take a little time and I get it all in 2 bottles.
I come downstairs to Zy with soot all over her. She look angry. More like herself, which make me happy. I hear she leapt through a wall of fire to hurt the wizard. She is so cool.
Madlyn finds the wizards power. It is a dark orb, clearly full of magic. It keeps him immortal. It is the souls of all others that have fallen for his trap. All the innocents who are trapped. We agree we cannot leave him with this much power and must free the souls. Madlyn decides to destroy it. I go with her and think of Mom’s shield. And thank god I do because that sucker explodes. I give some protection to Madlyn but it burns me bad. Zy mad at me, again, but I am glad I could help madlyn a little. She is our leader.
We return to the hammer. Touch it as a group, and return to the real world. We did it. We got the hammer. And my pockets are heavy with dragon metal. Takhisis is in for a fun surprise.

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