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Sun 26th Feb 2023 06:56

The Festival of Paranoia

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 22
I managed to meet up with Witch Dancer today and-
Well… he can’t join us for the festival. He has a lead, a very important one and only one chance to take it..
He entrusted the evacuation of Virkhagen and Epherae to me, I need to make sure everyone in the grounds stays safe. He’s trusted this responsibility to me and I will uphold it to the most extreme degree.
If we Do need to evacuate, I’ve been instructed to look for Ramsworth, that tall horned fellow, and… Rekker? I don’t know if I’ve met him yet but I will seek him out.
I hope this trip goes well for him..
Entry 24
Jimmy's tank is done. He escaped for a moment, but was safely transported back indoors. The mushroom looks spectacular, and the path took ages… I'm glad it's done, just in time too. Tomorrow is the festival. May it go well.
Entry 25
It went wrong. All our precautions were in place and it still went wrong. What did we do wrong? How did it go wrong? I must not have been attentive enough…
I mean, we were lucky, no one d-
… The festival wasn't attacked. We didn't have to evacuate. I spoke with Rekker and Ranger during the early hours of the festival… I don't-
I don’t sound like Witch Dancer, I am simply.. We…we are simply people concerned with our surroundings. It was a serious threat we Needed to be ready for..
How could we have messed this up that badly… A queen, Dead. The Stump of Aremore? Gone.
And to top All that off, I let myself be distracted through the festival with the Silly Games and Shadow and the allure of people. Its-
… I won a festival game when I should've been patrolling, keeping an eye out. I circled the All Tower but I built my exhibit the furthest away from it.
I got on stage with others in joy to receive a prize Moments before the announcement happened.
I didn't go with the group to virk. I prioritized Aremore over my own city, letting it fall to the wayside in the chaos…
And yet, even That was a mistake. I argued with Shadow. I downplayed her grief… I tried to calm down Moore but if I Just Went BACK TO THE TOWER MAYBE I COULD'VE SEEN-
…Fuyuko went missing. Alice came in a mess. The trail we followed…
It went right past the tower. If I was there then maybe she wouldn't have been…
She's home now. Moore's home now. Shadows home now. Alice is home now.
I'll stay here in the tower until Witch Dancer comes home, I'll keep watch as I should've. I won't let more things disappear. Shadow will watch the city of Ephyrae.
Witch Dancer isn't home yet. Neither didn't come to the festival. I don't know if they are alright. I don't know what to do.
Why is the surface so COMPLICATED. I wouldn't have Cared if I stayed underground. I just want to burrow so deep all I can hear are the screeching signals again.. I want them to drown out my thoughts…
But here I am. In the fucking opposite… sitting in an empty fucking tower playing into my fears..
I'll stay here till Shadow hears from Neither.
I'll stay here till Witch Dancer comes home because he Will.
I'll make sure no one goes missing from the tower. I'll stay here for as long as it'll take.