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Fri 3rd Mar 2023 06:20

Inaction Crumbling

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 29
I made a mistake. Suck a stupid mistake. My rule I tried to spread… don't go into Aremore alone, don't leave alone.
I only listened to step one, Zky came with me and I Lost Him in the town. I was left on my own. I got cornered in the All Tower. I-
…Maybe I don't deserve my role. How could I have let it happen… I can do what I can to protect those I hope not involved. Why do I keep Running. I don't Want to be PREY. If I am to Protect the people I care about I can't keep being a coward… but I can't stop trembling… I'm so terrified even of the consequences in my own home. Zky is dangerous, yet cares about me. He gave a potion that became crucial in getting me away. I should have used it sooner..
Why didn't I use it sooner…
I need to at least check on Sally. Steel yourself Leaf, this day still isn't over.
He let me stumble over my words. Make mistakes. Guards were hired. If I had talked to Sally beforehand maybe I wouldn't have been so concerned…so scared.
I suppose I'm leaving more…resolved? But.. I wish I didn't have to make decisions like this.
…Thank you Sally for allowing me to hide here, just for a bit.
I've calmed down..I've calmed down. Helping this.. Oculous get what they needed for their shop. Krow was a great presence throughout… why would an Enderian own a Fishing shop?
Sally brought me a great gift… I will pay them back equally. I… as much as I say I wish to go back underground these friends I've made are certainly why I can't do that… I don't want my cowardice to steal away these people, for them to get hurt because of me. I'm certain of that now.
Entry 30
I'm at the party now, we arrived late. It seems Zky has been noticed by the guards but it'll be fine. I managed to get Krow and surprisingly Neither out here. Maybe nothing will go wrong?
Sally's speech was nice, the food is currently good. The cave is wonderful.
Nova. Oh Nova I hope you won't mind. Goose brought us out to Nova's Wonderful home. He showed up. Of Course he would show up…
Aeolos injured someone. Everyone scrambled to evacuate. I tried to look for Zky-
I walked right into him. Like he flew after Me while everyone was trying to escape.
I fled with the others. I sent Neither to take Krow home… he came back… I'm so sorry for it Neither. I understand now. But I want to keep you safe. I had to break your potion.
We ran together, Goose, Sally and I. Hopefully everything will stay fine as long as we wait the night out here. Goose is l-
Goose left. Why are they so certain it'll be alright? They have until Dawn till we follow. We have to stick together…
We leave in minutes.
How dare he. I want him dead. I feel so angry. How dare he. Why did Sally make this deal to protect us. Why did we have no choice else we be attacked. Why does no one trust Witch Dancer. Why do people bleed for others.
What did we do to him. I've never meet him. Sally is new to town. We did Nothing.
How dare he make Goose feel this way. Unsafe in such a new home. Thank the skulk below the Ramsworth was there. Is there for Goose. For Sally too…
I can't hide them away like I can Zky. It won't keep us safe. He'll hunt us down if we disappear. How dare he. How Dare He. Why Can't I Keep Them Safe. Tuck Us Underground Away From The Skies And All His Supposed Eyes.
He Has 3 Questions Left.
We Have 99 Days Left.
I will Not let them die with me.
I will Not let my Brood Die Unprepared.
The lab must be made. I need this hole dug. I need it Now. We Must Get This Right. The Clock Is Ticking.