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Tue 14th Feb 2023 02:05

Concerns Grow, People Ease

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 8
I found the problem child this morning. I tore my wing straight open, and I need something durable enough to repair the membrane so I can fly right. I wanted to attempt to begin my research, but I think that will require me heading to Virkhegin. Hopefully it won't be too cold.

I met a feline in the city, he told me not to mind his friend, and wondered why I didn't react enough to the city around us. I'd gotten lost but…the streets were quite clear. It seems this city has it's fair share of interesting individuals. He spoke of…endurians everywhere… I'll try to bring this up to Neither. I don't know how much I like the cold…
But, I have an idea. The look bore no fruit, but, my thought process has changed. Surely I can repair this myself. I just need something light weight, but living enough to not rot or damage the rest of my wing.

We have a post office in Ephyrae.
It's run by a Rush. I'm going to tell Witch Dancer.

It…worked? Of course it worked. I might be as clumsy as a first time flier right now, but I'm able to stay off the ground properly! I'll save the faster flying for the morning.
Oh it's just Wonderful! The skulk I found works perfectly, and I've used some lichen growing overtop of it to hide the offending material. No one will even notice!
What a fruitful day.
Entry 9
It's stayed overnight, and doesn't seem to be spreading. It's dried just as easy, and doesn't look to be loose in any way. I'll fly to the festival later today! There's no time like the present to get used to this again. How I missed the feeling of wind rushing around me.

The festival looked wonderful from the air, but it seems that's where my luck had run out. Once I made it to Aremore I managed to overhear Alice and Witch Dancer speaking from the bridge.
I'd hoped to help things calm down but I…
I couldn't quite think. I sat and listened.
Debts, fears of the Allay being dangerous. Concerns for my neighbor, her friends. Her distrust of Witch Dancer… it wouldn't Help if I told her I trusted her. She barely knew me, nothing more than passerbys. I had even less value, her family seemed terrible to her, how hard it was to trust for her.
I think I went home feeling worse than I have any day since I've arrived here. I have a lot to think about.
I hope we both find a way to understand.
Entry 10
I woke up to Moore being more active nextdoor. When I stumbled into my tunnels, I overheard Alice. It seems she'll be around more often…

I'm waiting outside this weird temple thing, I saw someone new come into the city today, and it seems like they.. I'm not sure how well that went, but it looks like there's quite the party coming. I'll sit back and watch.

I am going to be seeing crystals for DAYS. I haven't stopped crashing into things, but the crystals are gone. What a mess, at least I wasn't alone. This tavern is nice, but the company is better.

I will get that hat.
Entry 11
I feel better, and seem to still be functioning. How wonderful. I think I might attempt to make that edible bowl meal today… maybe I'll ask how.

Well, Moore wasn't here, but Alice was. She seemed to be lacking in food as well, what a fun coincidence that turned out to be. She looks rough still, but better. Moore and Ephyrae must be having a good impact on her, and I hope it keeps up. I'll help show her around the city, I'm not the best, but I have been living here.

Well look how good That went. Why did I take her to that post office. She seemed just as worried but I all but destroyed the good mood I seemed to be able to bring… I hope Moore won't mind me rooting through and using their food. It's all I could think to try and calm the situation.
What if this Aeolos is the skinwalker? He's going through all cities. We might not be safe. What are we going to do? I'll watch. I'll keep watch today until I can bring up my worries to the Allay.

Fuyuko, Ranger, and…Ramsworth(?) came to the city. I let Alive know I saw them, and she ran. They wanted to see Moore's house, so I didn't know where it was. They wanted to find Alice, so I didn't know she was in the city.
She's had hard days, I didn't want her to be disturbed, nor my neighbor disturbed. It turned out…alright. I think. I didn't know Fuyuko could cry.
I should've told Alice, I will next time I see her. They care about her so much, and she clearly does them. She's just struggling to see that, to see they are her home. I saw them out of the city, and promised to keep the updated. I don't think I like people hurting like this.
Maybe I'll ask about things in Aremore to make her feel more at home here, in Ephyrae.
Entry 12
Ranger is nosey, but I think it might be welcome. It was Pouring, and I had wanted to ask about the noisy stones, but then we'd seen it. Witch Dancer approached that Aeolos Rush fellow.
I scampered up on a roof to watch, I wanted to be able to help if something happened. Ranger scurried off…somewhere. But nothing happened in the end.
We made a basement in the All Tower. For the war crime sheep…I think one tried to Eat Me. How Horrible… I learned from Ranger how to make the musical stones.
I was concerned, but everything turned out alright. I'm sure things will keep going up.
Entry 13
Back out to the mound, it's grown since my first trip, but it feels nice to be back out here. Calm.
I think I needed this.
The area keeps growing. I didn't even need to find an architect in Ephyrae. I worry for the day this place fills, but for now? For now it's quiet, and I feel at home.