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Mon 6th Mar 2023 07:25

Dreamless Night

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 32
Silence I just- I needed the silence from keeping my own thoughts for a day.. it's the day Goose should be given back to us and- I don't know what to do if they aren't. I'm Aremore bound. And with my Shadow-
…That page wasn't there before.
Goose is Home!!! I lost Zky a-and blood and-
Mess mess everything is a mess again I don't- I don't know what to do I can't keep anything under my control and-
We committed to taking her out of his hold but others and others don't do the same as us and-
…Where is Zky. What Happened. Goose is Safe but they..and then… where is Zky.
I- I went Looking when I knew something was wrong and I ended up Pressed against a roof hiding as I saw Aeolos in the sky and-
Wrong.. everything's wrong..
Leaf just wants to keep people safe…why can't Leaf succeed…
Ranger and Rekker said they'd come home with me. I hope… please be home Zky. Please be safe.. We- we need to get to the bottom of this page…
Scared why am I so scared of so much why why-
Zky you can't just… This was such an important thing for us to have been left out of and I'm thankful now but-
Everyone has questions and we need to know to help and everyone says 'Breath Leaf' but how can I when things are so off kilter and I- I need more tunnels more caves more spaces only we are safe I need home. Home home… not cave home.. not-
Please stop running off… Leaf is very scared for you right now and Leaf saw something with that potion to feel like that isn't something you should do anymore. Please don't make Leaf more…
I...I know where you are.
The stars were nice. I'm so sorry that night they were tainted by the pain. But at least we can bask in them together. The air. The sounds… comfort.
Should is a scary word isn't it. 'Should'. "Should be safe." 'Should be here.' "Should finish the job."... I think I understand Rekker a slight bit more now. Should is a scary, dangerous, and unsteady word.
Will is much better. I want to make Wills. "Will be safe!" 'Will be here?' "Will-
…I just want things to be certain. Maybe further understanding him will be for the best. Oh. There's that word again.. I hope I succeed then. To start uh..
I will… bring a gift bag to Oculus today, and visit Krow. I will grab my fishing rod, and we could go fishing again?.. is this how it works?