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Tue 14th Feb 2023 01:56

The Tattered Journal

by Leaf Totally a Moth

It seems I've made it to Ephyrae. It was a long trip, and tedious one for many reasons, but I've made it. It was much easier to find Neither here than to track him across the surface, and easier to ask for boarding since he himself has offered upon our last meeting.
I managed to acquaintance myself with my neighbor, the…half Florian? I'll figure it out-
But, they seemed quite nice. They left us with a meal settled in an edible bowl, of all the luxuries I've been deprived of underground, food is not one I had considered. Perhaps I should keep a kind eye out for them? It's worth considering.

He took me to the fair between the cities, I went with him to make sure I knew my way around. We passed by a sad looking duo, but both of our groups seemed more than pleased to keep to ourselves.

By the end of the day, Neither left to his…project. I'll see too making my way out with him soon, and leave him to his devices. But, it Certainly isn't the end of mine, and it seems there's an.. interesting passerby still wandering around tonight. I'll plan accordingly.

I met someone, they have the disposition of a fox, but insisted they weren't. We got so caught up in the tour of not only Ephyrae, but of the fairgrounds to introduce ourselves it seemed.
'We' stumbled across the ruined home on the outskirts of the fair and…Aremore, was it? I'm concerned with what I read inside, and it seemed my company had already seen it. It seems I've found company with fellow folk who have well warranted paranoia. I'll try and seek him out again.
Entry 2
I've decided the surface is too bright, but it's also Far to rainy. I'll stay indoors until it lets up, my wings are still thoroughly soaked… so much for looking for the not fox.

The rain let up, and lo and behold, it seems fate has led us into meeting again, he came straight to Neither's door. Finally, I have a name to the face. 'Witch Dancer'. We seem to trust each other, and he told me of his..past family.
It's strange to be trusted with something like that, but he insisted he would wait on telling me his real name.
In turn, I told him some of myself. Of how I left home early, my family Must still be out there, but how I didn't care. Of the caves, the skulk. How I heard there was some in the caves… he mentioned wanting to get rid of it, but it's safe! We just need to respect the other lives whom love within it. This resulted in…well… not the Best trip.
I truly appreciated the intrigue! When things are still and quiet, it's quite the sight. But then he just… Walked Right Up To One!?! And those Shrieks. He seemed unphased and I struggled to convince him to just Leave! We could talk elsewhere!
I swear, I could Feel my Antenna going wild, like I could barely stamp down this fear. They like the quiet, and so do I. By the time I made sure we were far enough away I swear I could Hear it under the surface, but it thankfully never surfaced… The Last thing I need is a violent denizen of the dark caves showing itself when I… I don't think I'd forgive myself for simply running and leaving him behind.
But…regardless of this…rashness? I still feel that we, to an extent, are on the same page. We talked about the skulk and by the time I made it home, Neither still wasn't sleeping in the city.
Maybe he could take us down into the mines? It would be safer that way.
Entry 3
Neither took me out to where he's been wandering off too. It's the perfect spot, all the quiet I like, and all the nature to get used too.
The mountain is a shame though… it certainly is a pain to climb.
Entry 4
I've gotten a small mound set up, I'll go through these caves and ensure I can keep myself safe. The mountains, however cold, seem rich and full of minerals. The only thing I could've asked for was a city in the depths to explore.

I lost my pack Again. What luck.. At least I was able to get some of it back beforehand.
Neither seemed to have finished clearing out the land, we'll head back to the city together in the morning.
Entry 5
We got back to Ephyrae before noon! The city is so loud…I almost wished we could turn back and let me to back into the caves right then…but Neither wanted to introduce me to someone, and I had hoped to introduce him to Witch Dancer while we were here. He asked me to be kind, bah. I am Always kind, I knew he simply wanted me to behave. Apparently Biting isn't good social etiquette, who would've known…
Shadow, is just about as strange as us, so I'm still not sure Exactly why he insisted on it. She's a shut in as well, not liking the social half of living in a city. Perhaps we'll be able to get along.
We ended up heading to the fair, seems the only one who's been getting fresh air more often than not is Neither, I should try to change that… still, he's not the most social of the lot. I Thought I caught a glimpse of Witch Dancer, but he seemed busy. So! I brought my duo to..the Rush household. It was the simplest way to ensure Neither understood my fears and worries for what this festival could result in!
Shadow was so concerned… All of us seem to be. It's reinforced my need to introduce them to Witch Dancer! We can try to keep everything safe, and who better to help than them. But- we seemed to have missed him.
Luckily, however, I was able to get my fellow not quite city-goers to make connections! Neither has to get over his worries, if I can drag myself through snow as tall as me, than he can Surely learn to introduce himself to others. I mean, which one of us lived nearly completely underground for 8 years straight? We meet the duo we passed the other day. Fuyuko and…well… it started with an A? The two seemed to be willing to socialize once I started, but I was still attempting to meet the woman of ice when introductions happened.
Regardless, we meet Ranger as well, a welcome change to have someone smaller around. Perhaps I'll come by the festival more if it's always this interesting.
x Locate a Totem
x Find Nautilus Shells
Entry 6
Today was Dreadfully cold, but because of my own choice. I went back to the festival.
The ice maiden was still around, and since Neither seems to struggle to see there are good in bad places, I decided to try and seek out a way to Virkhagen. I'll find people to prove to him how even places that seem dark, have their lights.
She offered to take me there! What a kind person Fuyuko is. We talked the entire trip, I learned of the revolution, and was even allowed into her home. She showed me the city, all but the castle itself and the library on my insistence. I brought home a few pieces of candy, I don't quite know how to eat them, but I'm sure I'll find use in it.
I just heard Neither get home, I'll convince him to help me seek out Witch Dancer tomorrow.
Entry 7
Doctor Elias Slyme.
Find notes on the black alloy, journals, and a researcher from the nether.
"In Service, there is Prosperity."