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Mon 6th Mar 2023 08:09

New Moon

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 33
It's… it's been a very long day. I-
Where do I begin.
Zky just went home. He has a headache. That is my fault. But I need to keep pushing to make sure this is dealt with. That he's safe. I was so scared in the moment.. but I Refuse to be Ignorant. This is not Bliss, this feeling is Bile. Blight.
Three days. I need information on this and in three days time I'll have a party.
I simply don't want to live in blissful ignorance… and I suppose with that…
Sally, well. She-
Why is there so much blood lately.. why did she shed her own for someone that seems so willing to shed hers himself.
Why did it.. why did she feel better afterwards.
Why can't she taste, why did it feel like home, why couldn't I help her.. Weather the storm. To see through to the other side without this happening…
She scared me So Much. After Goose… And it wasn't even- no. This is still his fault. She did this to Understand Aeolos. How dare he… how-
how can I blame him for this. how can I feel guilty for this. how could this have happened. does the world truly revolve on information and information alone. is that not what I myself and doing as well to try and help Zky.
too many hows, whys, questions.
Can't the world just be still. Be calm. Be quiet. And now she-
…Home can be people and home can be things and places. Why can't I be Home with her. For her. The cave isn't safe enough..
Far enough…
Quiet enough….
I- I have a party to plan. Back to Ephyrae I go.
pppiiink pre-ty pinc colorrrs….ehhheh.. m'cute an biiiig ppinkky said sooo~
mmy head f-eels fzzy n' sweet an' fulla sugarrr…mmm leaffy lik-es pink..