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Mon 6th Mar 2023 06:57

Sleepless Day

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 31
I couldn't sleep. As of dawn, I've nearly completed Sally's armor. It is strong, more warded than my own. It will keep her safe. I have things I must do today.
To Do:
-Speak to Ranger about the request.
-Check on Krow after the party.
-Check on Aremore (Goose and Sally.)
-Ask Zky how he's doing.
This should be easy.
I don't think Ranger hates me. But I don't think they understand the heart of my concerns either. I just hope they won't go to Aeolos on their own like I asked them too… If Ranger gets hurt by him I-
No Leaf. Trust Ranger…
Scented Candles in their colors, a few snacks, things to comfort, and a knock at a door later. Krow seems to be… just about as fine as the others? Better certainly! It seems I need to try and work on better keeping people out of the dark… I will try to keep in touch with them as we are, friends it seems. What an important word. I'll keep them in mind moving forwards.
Zky has… Two steps forwards, one step back. A yes, then a no where it's so much more important. I'll warn people to be careful as I see them. I can't think of why he w-
…No, I could think of why. I'm just unwilling to give this up. I will keep going to Aremore.
It always comes back to him doesn't it. Aeolos. We should have watched Goose as they went around last night to clear their mind. He tried to break her Trust with us! I care about Goose… I might have been scared when we first met but Goose is good! I wouldn't just.. Not Goose.
There was blood. There was so much blood. A- And feathers and…
Why didn't we Escort Her Back!?! We're idiots. One Track Minded Idiots. Goose is Hurt and MISSING and that Flying Fucking RAT IS RESPONSIBLE.
Attacking wasn't enough?? Leaving them Bloodied for us to find wasn't enough? Now we can't make sure they are well for DAYS. I couldn't even Do Anything. How do I Protect Someone if I just feel so angry. So hateful. So still..
I need to go take my potions back from Sally. She won't mind r-right? I need… me and Ramsworth need to at least know where they are.. I need to fly.