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Sun 26th Feb 2023 06:55

Before the Festival (Several Days Before)

by Leaf Totally a Moth

Entry 14
I went flying for miles today, until I felt dizzy from the salty air and giddy from the altitude.
I came across something deep in the water, with creatures that hit with a strange force, but if you get closer? They seem to stop. They Hate squids.
I decided others need to see this creature, I'll take it to the festival. I mean, I certainly haven't contributed yet. What fun.

Entry 15
Myself and a feline took the entire day transporting our interesting friend out to the festival. It was certainly interesting, and I spent some time attempting to make him a tank, it’s not finished but it Is progress!
The two of us decided the name ‘Jimmy’ suited the creature. I’ll take it home once the festival is done and over. I’ll have a more proper tank prepared for him, I’d like to ensure he is comfortable once we are in one place. I’ll start planning once I finish his current tank.

Entry 16
Jimmy is in his temporary home, and I flew over some people as I went about my day. I hope he likes the coral, and won’t be too disturbed when I move him again. Me and the feline parted ways, but I’ll seek him out again.
I’ve finally made myself a nest as well out at our project. I'm currently working on food provisions for once we finally open. As a result, I’ve taken to making my own meals to little success. But I was saved! Someone brought me some ‘kebabs’. I’m sure I can figure out how to make these myself.