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Wed 30th Sep 2020 11:47

Traveling time with Dalmir

by Marya Silverstring

Just as a short disclaimer, the following journal entry, is a collection of some events and infos Dalmir and I exchanged in our travels. Since this was all communicated and agreed upon via a magical thing called strife (don't want to get into copyright issues), which was probably made by some mighty magician or something, it's all written down in third person, though the information in it, is genuine. Any instances of "you" in this, refer to Dalmir and any instances of "she" to me.

  • You probably noticed, that Marya is pretty self conscious about her body, showing very little skin when she can help it

  • Also on the flipside, she hangs around in wildshape whenever she can manage to do so, almost childlike in her happy demeanor while shaped as well as shortly after, though it usually quickly turns into a slight sadness after an hour or so

  • On one of the first nights that she managed to transform while keeping watch, you most likely found your boots on the top of a tree, with a veeeery innocent Marya.... she then wildshaped shortly after and got your boots down

  • Since they're traveling for a couple of days, there was most likely a situation when you touched her to get her attention, which resulted in her first flinching back, then lashing out and giving you an earful, only to apologize a day later that she was too harsh, but also that she absolutely doesn't like to be touched, unless she actively approves it herself

  • She's also gonna make several references to her life at home and her family, you probably got that both her parents are alive and that she's got multiple siblings (including a twin sister), with her mostly looking up to her older sister

  • Likewise she's gonna ask about your goals and motivations in life, family etc., though she won't pry about things that you don't want to talk about - unless it sounds like you're actually an undercover crownsguard or something along those lines

  • Dalmir:
  • You noticed that Dalmir doesn't really feel at ease in the wilds and tries to avoid touching random plants, bugs, etc - often summoning a mage hand instead. If Marya asks, he's doing that because he doesn't trust himself to accurately remember what he's read about which plants are dangerous, and as a city boy he has no experience to draw on either.

  • He was very amused at finding his boots up a tree and made a comment along the lines of "If this is as far as 'robbing me blind while I'm asleep' goes, I can live with that" (a reference to what Marya said that first night)

  • Marya is likely able to tell that he's curious about her aversion to showing skin and (after the incident) to touch, but is refraining from actually asking about it. After the incident where he touched her, his curiosity increased, but he also scrupulously avoided touch from then on.

  • He's made a few references to his family, enough to gather the following: He's the eldest son of a blacksmith; something terrible happened when he was young, and his younger twin brother took his place; he has two other, younger siblings; both his parents are still alive.

  • Long-term, his goals are a lofty and generic-sounding "freedom and prosperity for all" sort of deal. After a few conversations, Marya might notice that any mentions of the nation, king, etc are curiously absent.

  • He's cagey about what exactly led him to leave Zadash, but Marya is able to tell that he feels guilty about whatever exactly happened.

  • He will likewise ask about Marya's goals and motivations but be careful not to pry. Given how she talked to those bandits(?) he is pretty certain that she isn't an undercover crownsguard or anything along those lines.

  • Me:
  • For the random plants and bugs, if Dalmir is that uncomfortable with random plants and bugs, Marya will most likely offer to help him out a little. She's not big on actually naming those things, but she's got decent knowledge about which ones are actually dangerous or poisonous, it's also a nice way to pass the time

  • Since I seem to recall that the reason why he left was him and friends getting into trouble with the law or something along those lines, there's no reason for Marya to push it, to each his own issues

  • For Marya's goals, mostly paying off an old debt that she won't really go into further, as well as try to get a better hold of this shapeshifting stuff. Apart from that she mostly lives in the present, going from job to job, having fun and seeking thrills when they seem available.
  • Continue reading...

    1. And so a wild ride began
    2. From rogues, twigs and wolves
    3. Traveling time with Dalmir
    4. It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness
    5. An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"
    6. Catfights, dead ends and new leads
    7. Hungry wolves and nightly talks
    8. It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation
    9. Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~
    10. Even more secrets and saving a life thought lost
    11. Finally free
    12. A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies
    13. Some little tunnel crawling time
    14. And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies
    15. Big guys with a big sword
    16. A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye
    17. Sticks and stones may break your bones
    18. Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests
    19. A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair
    20. Zadash, city of light, city of magic
    21. Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!
    22. Creepy kids and political intrigue
    23. Zadash, city of coincidences
    24. Now shit is personal - for Melech
    25. Way too much crap going on and more coincidences
    26. Two more people and a funeral
    27. Loads of planning and talking stuff
    28. Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover
    29. We get ourselves a spy
    30. Relocating families and a pet assassin
    31. A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings
    32. Meeting a queen in her pjs
    33. Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping
    34. Lots and lots of talking
    35. Preparations and talks~
      16th Sydenstar?
    36. Clapping zombies
      16th Sydenstar?
    37. More zombie clapping
    38. Zombies, insects and pie
    39. More insects, saving lives and worm
    40. Just talking to military people
    41. Uhm yeah
    42. On the road again~
    43. Preparation time
    44. Before we go into the belly of beast~
    45. Into the belly of the city
    46. Loads of bugs and a couple of kids
    47. Some more city crawling
    48. Setup for a chase
    49. Escaping forward
    50. Exterminating otherworldlies
    51. Finally a second to relax
    52. Just some decompressing time
    53. We're back!
    54. Back again again
    55. Buggy buggers again
    56. Another dragon deal?
    57. The mercenary pirate place
    58. Aaand out of the city~