Okay biting a fire elemental ist rather weird O.o
And it's improvising weapons.....
Also there's something talking into our minds... i guess?
And damn biting this thing hurts >.<
But it's not a floaty boy
So that's weird-ish
Kerry kills the fire thing
Though the cavern continues shaking
Oookay the right hand wall is moving
And all of us hear "you shall burn" in our heads
Okay I gotta admit that this is decently intimidating
Man I really want to bite that big wormy thing
"Burn in the light" or something by it
But it left a cavern next to us
Okay the cavern it left it's deeep O.o
Like 35'ft.
Seb brings up the idea of getting proof of that worm thing
And with my help climbs down into the path it left behind
And it seems that burning fire elemental thing was human-ish
And pretty alive till we parted it from life
Okay and the cave this thing left behind is about 60ft. wide....
After that we go after the barrikade thing and remove it
I hear some far away common-ish language
And we slowly go that way