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Thu 17th Sep 2020 11:49

And so a wild ride began

by Marya Silverstring

Trip from Zadash to Deastock
Near a small forest
It was a nice summer day
Animals around
Nice and warm climate
Travelers are also a pretty common sight
Crownsguard are coming down the road
And since I don't really fancy associating with them that much, I take to the forest
There's also someone else
And they also head into the woods
A short and tense chase follows, we slide down a cliffside through a thicket
Stuff's a little strange over there, it's suddenly night
We talk a little, it's a pretty tall and slim dwarf
Also there's a price on his head in Zadash.... great, just what I needed
We agree to at least find our way to Deastok together
While they are stargazing I'm trying to find a way to Deastock, or at least to go the right direction
Well..... this nature over here doesn't really follow normal rules
Then we hear giggling above us
The dwarf makes their voice super loud and ask for the voice to show itself
It's a flying little fairy!
Like a real fairy, exactly like in the fairytales! O.O
Ok she insists she's a pixie, that's fair
Pixie name: Magnolia for people without druidic abilities
Or flutter of wind and flowers on her lips for the cool people
We play around a little, the dwarf is called Dalmir
The pixie meanwhile shows us the way to the road, or at least, a road
Whole stuff about actual orientation is a little off here, she's not even sure about the material plane
Makes the whole going home stuff a little iffy, though I don't think being here is too bad
So anyway, we arrive at a road made out of marble and illuminated with lanterns filled with moonlight hanging from small trees
I want one!
Well I don't get one, but Dalmir's magehand now glows, that's something
Then I ask him for his dagger, so maybe I can get one of those marble bricks for a souvenir
That doesn't work out too great and the tip of his dagger is now "marbled" kind of, he doesn't mind too much
Instead he even goes and tells me about this stone and that it's not actual marble, but something special yada yada
Dwarves and their stones~~~
So anyway we see this big light in the distance on the road, so we go there
We find this big mansion with a magical door
Seems to be pretty strong illusion magic, but Dalmir still touches it, after I dare him, he's either far braver or dumber than I anticipated, I can work with both
The door opens quite easily when he tries to pull it
In the fey mansion is a teenage (?) girl, or at least an entity looking like one
Silvery hair
Pale Skin
Simple glowing white gown sitting in the center on a throne made of this weird marble stuff
She can send us back
But we have to do a task for her in return at a later date
Lots of silver arrows suddenly in her hand when she starts the "ritual" and arrow depictions are also abundant in her mansion
So lets do this!
First she pierces Dalmir's chest and it looks pretty darn painful
Though when she does the same to me, it's more of a pressure thing than actual pain, strange
Well maybe Dalmir is just a wimp, what do I know
Anyway, we're back where we belong and it's night!
Or.... ok we're not where we belong, we're in the middle of some kind of camp and there's people with weapons
Well crap~

Continue reading...

  1. And so a wild ride began
  2. From rogues, twigs and wolves
  3. Traveling time with Dalmir
  4. It started in a tavern and ended in circus madness
  5. An interesting proposal and the hunt for a "dragon"
  6. Catfights, dead ends and new leads
  7. Hungry wolves and nightly talks
  8. It all could've been resolved with a simple negotiation
  9. Saving a dragon and loads of secrets~
  10. Even more secrets and saving a life thought lost
  11. Finally free
  12. A new fey adventurer, giant bugs and ash zombies
  13. Some little tunnel crawling time
  14. And some more tunnel crawling with big crawlies
  15. Big guys with a big sword
  16. A big fight, getting out of the mines and a goodbye
  17. Sticks and stones may break your bones
  18. Tales of thirsty trees and predatory priests
  19. A quick getaway from a Vecna priests lair
  20. Zadash, city of light, city of magic
  21. Invisible stalkers, planning and magical stuff!
  22. Creepy kids and political intrigue
  23. Zadash, city of coincidences
  24. Now shit is personal - for Melech
  25. Way too much crap going on and more coincidences
  26. Two more people and a funeral
  27. Loads of planning and talking stuff
  28. Meeting Zintris' mom and an almost makeover
  29. We get ourselves a spy
  30. Relocating families and a pet assassin
  31. A relaxed evening in the city that loathes halflings
  32. Meeting a queen in her pjs
  33. Luxon stuff and a decent bit of shopping
  34. Lots and lots of talking
  35. Preparations and talks~
    16th Sydenstar?
  36. Clapping zombies
    16th Sydenstar?
  37. More zombie clapping
  38. Zombies, insects and pie
  39. More insects, saving lives and worm
  40. Just talking to military people
  41. Uhm yeah
  42. On the road again~
  43. Preparation time
  44. Before we go into the belly of beast~
  45. Into the belly of the city
  46. Loads of bugs and a couple of kids
  47. Some more city crawling
  48. Setup for a chase
  49. Escaping forward
  50. Exterminating otherworldlies
  51. Finally a second to relax
  52. Just some decompressing time
  53. We're back!
  54. Back again again
  55. Buggy buggers again
  56. Another dragon deal?
  57. The mercenary pirate place
  58. Aaand out of the city~