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Thu 23rd Feb 2023 03:41

Death and New Friends

by Alice Giles

She should have been there. Alice woke up today after a particularly long nap only to find the scent of her friend Willow faint and distance then it usually was. Going to his house, she found it was completely empty and didn’t have the life it once did that caused her to worry that something happened to her friend. But she reminded herself that people wondering off and never coming back was normal back in her forest so why is it any different here, so she pushed her feelings down for now and went about her days.
She met a few new people, especially at the festival area more and more people are coming around to build and set up stales in their city’s area. A few she remembered was a creature named Witch Dancer that honestly rubbered her the wrong way from the very start by how he was acting, another human named Runar that Fuyuko thinks looks similar to Rekker but she honestly doesn’t see how since they both look so different from one another at least to her, and a pretty looking half Enderian and half Florian named Moore who she felt familiar with, reminding her of when she was a small satyr without her horns with how small Moore was trying to act despite their tall stature.
It was during one of Moore’s visits where they were hanging out with Rekker, where she spotted something on the hill of Aremore and got curious about what it was so she ran off to check it out. Finding this huge tower with a book at the top that she now regrets had Moore read to her, it was from Ramsworth’s family and about them wanting him to come to them and leave Aremore. The feeling that she been pushing down all this time surfaced once more and consumed her, she felt loose and grief she didn’t understand Satyrs aren’t supposed to have these feelings they were supposed to be tough and selfish not cry over people disappearing. She feeling cornered and trapped with emotions she didn’t understand she ran to one of her safe spaces the rooms behind her walls and hid there only hearing the distant calls of her friends she ran from up on the mountain.
It wasn't long where she could hear the others through the walls looking for her, Moore's voice sounded so hurt causing her feelings to stir even more and confuse her on why she felt bad for hurting Moore, so she went deeper into the ground to escape those feelings or at least calm down while being productive. Only to come back to a familiar lullaby Moore was singing to try to lure her out. So feeling tired and alone once more in her life she instead of running came out of the wall much to both Rekker's and Moore's surprise. It was then she finally spoke and explain herself opening up and showing the secret rooms she had made in her home, of course keeping some rooms secret still but for some reason opening up to them felt freeing in a strange sense. It was later she learn Fuyuko was also looking for her and decided to open up her extra rooms to her and just forget and let go of Fuyuko's ties to Virkhagen but still keep some rooms in the need to know for now.