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Thu 23rd Feb 2023 03:42

Life Continues

by Alice Giles

Of course as Alice was recovering and now dealing with new feelings she didn’t understand, life continues and so does her new research projects. She recently learned about the deep dark from Rekker and how the creatures there seem to have a connection with redstone even if they were living beings so being curious and needing resources she and Fuyuko went on a trip to one near Virk.
The trip was profitable to say the least, that was in till they got to the deep dark area where it felt like all her fur was standing on end and she couldn’t move a step farther. Every fiber of her being felt like she was being watched by something unknown and that sent her instincts into full force and took over her body fully with one goal to go up and out. So that’s what she didn’t, she dug up and to the surface from the deep dark with Fuyuko following behind her saying something Alice couldn’t understand at the time. It was only when she was home her instincts relaxed once more, she could say full sentences once again. She honestly hadn’t had to go into survival mode in a long time but that place wasn’t like anything else she been to but still the interest to explore that place was there to see what secrets it hold and how it could help her theories.
A few days later Witch Dancer ended up flagging down both Alice and Fuyuko at the festival and made the most ridicule offer in her opinion to them. He offered for them both to join a group that will help people, saying he needed people to fight and protect or people that can care for others, he even went so far at call Satyr’s carers which caused Alice to burst out laughing at that notion. Ultimately, Alice refused his offer claiming she didn’t want to be a part of a group that put others in their dept through un-asked for help. Fuyuko also turned him down stating they only reside with the rebellion and will not be joining any other groups. It was later, remembering back to Witch Dancer’s offer she finally understood why Witch Dancer rubbed her the wrong way, he reminds her of her husband she ran out on, who also happened to be a leader of a group similar to what Witch Dancer was making just bigger and farther along, embracing the term dept ring to the fullest extent.