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Sat 4th Mar 2023 07:36

The Gem Log: 2

by Alice Giles

A record with a dark blue goat horn mark with a bright blue number two on top is placed into the music player. Some crackles are heard as the record comes to life, there is some familiar groans in the back ground and a tired sigh before the same female voice as before speaks.
Alice: There hasn’t been any progress, none of the trials I have done had yielded anything promising. The zombie is still alive that is promising but any attempts to transfer the soul into the pseudo gem haven’t worked. I don’t even know if I am using the correct material for this I barely know anything about snow other then its just really cold water none the less souls.
There is a pause with one the groans of an undead in the background and the crackling on a fire.
Alice: maybe I need to restart from the beginning, maybe using something I am more familiar with ugh. Anyway some things have been happening lately with Fuyuko and some dangerous possibilities have appeared for one. Fuyuko went missing again and this time I found their body in an unknown house with their gem removed from them, it was…horrible. But we managed to fix her and now she is back to normal.
There is some hooves steps heard and a cling of glass. Before the steps get closer again.
Alice: also it appeared Zhy the person that was with me that day when I decided to leave Fuyuko’s gem where it was, appeared too have taken interest in Fuyuko’s souls. Apparently he is good with potions so he has decided to do some experimenting and using himself as a test subject, the results were…
There is a sigh and the sound of a chair being pulled and someone taking a seat
Alice: they weren’t good I’ll say that. He ended up screaming about someone, both Fuyuko and I couldn’t see and that they had a weapon. He ended up passing out in the caves next to my house, and since he owed me a favor I had both me and Fuyuko drag him back to my house and put him on my bed to rest, can’t exactly cash in a favor when the other person is dead, can I heh. Anyway before he passed out he gave me one of his latest potions he was experimenting with. But passing out while speaking gibberish wasn’t the only effect those potions gave, while he was resting his body deteriorated before our eyes and he shrunk and grown grey hair rapidly. It was only then I remember him telling us those potions at least according to the text he was using could shorten lives and that could possibly be what we had saw right before our eyes.
There is the sound of swishing water as Alice paused in her speech.
Alice: He left shortly after and I haven’t seen him since. For all I know this could be the last potion from those experiments he was doing, if he wasn’t a fool for using his own body as a test subject he would be a fool if he continued after what happened to him after he drank them. Anyway I believe I had fully finished this update and there is nothing left to report. This is Alice Giles, Gem log two finished.
With a click the record goes silent once again.