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Mon 13th Feb 2023 12:53


by Alice Giles

She has been here only for a few hours but she has already started on what will be her first ever permanent home, she doesn't have experience building something like what is around the towns but when traveling with her mother she was used to either sleeping under or in trees or in the occasional cave. So referring to those experiences and the bridge had a large cave right next to it she could settle there and maybe put something that at least look like it belongs in a civilization, perhaps using some wool she may or may not have pulled off some sheep and dyed should could make an overhang or tent of sorts. She wanted to move out as soon as possible so she isn't too far in-dept to Rekker, but as she was building Willow appeared.
They started to talk as she built her home and explained to him about her past and their chaotic personality being something very familiar to her own kind they bonded very easily becoming fast friends even if Alice didn't realize it at the time. Soon enough the topic of redstone came up and she ended up explaining how she would make things in her travels with her mother like pillows, flint and steels, as well as dyes. But also explained that each time she shared her invention with the others they usually took them added to the fact her and her mother never really settled in a place for too long she could never test out some of her larger ideas. But then Willow then pointed out she isn't there anymore and she could explore her bigger theories now she has settled, in their words she could go big. Taking that to heart she started to experiment with gravel and pistons and eventually fiddled around enough to make a self harvesting farm, coupled with hoppers at the end to collect the crops after.
To be honest she was impressed with even herself that she could make something like that with so little. But as she stayed in Aremore meeting more and more people, all very friendly she grew used to the place under the bridge being her home and being able to test her theories without fear of them being stolen. But she grew restless and wanted to experiment with some ill-moral theories that she personally felt the other wouldn't look to fondly of so she decided, similar to the piston trick she used for her farm she made a hidden room in her cave to test her theories she felt the others may reject her for.
She promised herself no one would know about the door or learn about the inventions she had made and placed down there. Who knows what may happen if the others found out where her curious mind wanders to when she is alone and with all sorts of resources at her finger tips and what they don't know won't hurt them. So how bad could it possibly be?