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Fri 3rd Mar 2023 08:49

Never a Calm Moment

by Alice Giles

The festival was annoying to Alice, well at first at least. The text Keiko found and supplied them with were full of words and only so few pictures and she just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around them, then again so far her track record with studying have been very bad so far as the reading lessons are still on pause. But once she managed to put something together from those pages she was free to go on what Moore called a date with both them and Fuyuko, it was fun walking around with them and honestly calmed her down a lot to just be with both of them. But the peace ended when the end of the festival came around and news broke out of the queen of Virk being dead, Fuyuko flipped like a switch back into the soldier she was made to be heading off to Virk with Keiko. It was heading back to Aremore where more news broke that the burnt stump of Aremore is now nothing more then ash. This made a lot of people panic, even before the festivial the paranoid people of Aremore was preparing for something to happen but not something like this. Alice couldn’t understand why people were so devastated to her is was just a really big maybe magical stump, and only it was attacked nothing else was touched she couldn’t understand why people would put so much value into a single place, no one was hurt and all there homes were okay so they all at least still had a warm bed to sleep in. It was only a maybe magical stump that was attacked, so why care about it so much.
It was a few days after the festival when Alice and Fuyuko came across something else, it was that mail person that originally made Alice feel uneased because of his last name but he was really hurt. Originally she found him in a tight dirty hole with dried blood around him, he said he didn’t have any other place to stay and he was hiding away from Ramsworth who according to him attacked him. Alice honestly couldn’t believe him, that didn’t sound like Ramsworth what so ever but he needed help more then questions and remembering back to one of the times when Phoenix was just starting to come out he helped Alice with trying to make sure Phoenix wouldn’t run through the waypoint, so he did have brownie points with Alice for that so she invited him to stay in one of the larger extenisons of her house. This part of the house also happened to be a place that was going to be both her and Rekker’s new lab she was still in the process of craving it out but all the holes to the outside are sealed so it would be a perfect place to rest for person of mail.
But apparently Ramsworth wasn’t the only one looking for him, it appeared Ranger was as well and he had asked Alice to keep him being alive a secret so she lied to Ranger, Goose and of course Ramsworth when she asked around about him claiming Fuyuko over heard something and told her. Unfortunately Person of mail couldn’t seem to stay hidden for long and ended up spilling where he was stay to Ranger who turned emotional and possibly drunk decided to go after Alice it was a long chase with Alice picking up somethings here and there to maintain a lead on Ranger but never turned back to fight back against Ranger cause she knew Rekker would be upset if anything happened to them so she hoped they would tire themselves out before she did. But she wasn’t so lucky and with a good blow to the back Alice fell unconscious. She woke back home sore and hurt with Fuyuko and looking after her she didn’t know what to do. But she knew Ranger was in big trouble and owed her big if they wanted to make up for it, as well as Rekker for both teaching Ranger those moves and being the reason she couldn’t defend herself. So she banned both of them from her house and any extension of it including the new lab. Rekker was understandably furious and Ranger did try to apologies with glow berry custard but Alice doesn’t thing custard is enough to cover being chased around like prey for helping hide an injured man.
It was later in the night and her walls being thin as well as Ranger being her neighbor she overheard a conversation between both Ranger and Rekker, she over heard Rekker was planning on having another talk with her about getting his things from the lab and if she denied him access to them he would do it by force either through breaking and entering or by violence she also over heard the line “after everything I’ve done for her”. Alice instantly flashed back to one of the conversations she had with her mother before the wedding pleading with her to go through with it using things like being born and raising her as a form of dept Alice owed and the line after everything I’ve down for you, you can’t do this one thing. So not only had Rekker reminded Alice of her mother, he also made her remember the other satyrs and how they would always get their way or her stuff through force and there was nothing she could have ever done. So just like in the past she gave in and gave Rekker the things from the lab he wanted and left them on his doorstep not wanting to talk or have anything to do with him ever again.