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Tue 14th Feb 2023 03:43

A Goat and A Snow Golem

by Alice Giles

She was walking around the festival looking at all the new buildings when she came across something she hasn’t ever seen before. It looked like a lady with long white hair and really pale skin but when the wind shifted she see small white specks fall off her and in the air she could smell scents of fresh snow and metal. She could only put two and two together, she realized this woman was a snow golem but nothing like she has ever seen before not even having the classic pumpkin for a head but a blue gem sitting in it’s place. So being ever curious she went up and introduced herself, finding out the woman’s name was Fuyuko and was a visitor from Virkhagen who was checking out the world festival and seeing what could be done for Virkhagen’s part.
Alice hadn’t really heard or seen people from the other civilizations yet so she was intrigued by the different settlement and asked Fuyuko about it learning Virkhagen was a very cold place and was also in recovery from tragic events similar to Aremore. Wanting to learn more about the place and how different it sounded from the warm overgrown place of Aremore she asked Fuyuko if she could take her one day. What she didn’t expect was Fuyuko to offer Alice to follow her back to Virkhagen right at that moment since according to her she was about done with her business at the festival. Alice, having nothing better to do agreed and followed along.
The journey was long and very cold, often times Alice falling through snow into cold slushies called powered snow but the journey was worth it as they came over the mountain and looked down on the city that was covered in buildings so different from Aremore and was protected by a massive wall connecting to a port full of ships. Before Fuyuko could show Alice around she had to stop by her house and Alice was surprised at how well her house blended in, if Fuyuko hadn’t showed her she would have never known where it was, and during that time she met someone else named, Keiko a bird man that seemed to have some old injuries that prevented him from flying.
He seemed very welcoming to Alice and even offered along with Fuyuko to show Alice around, she was amazed at the sights and even a few things caught her eyes for future theories she could test. Later when explaining her ideas to Keiko he seemed interested in them and ended up ordering Fuyuko to stay with Alice to help her with her inventions.
Alice wasn’t sure what to make of it, and she didn’t entirely trust the look in Keiko’s eyes, having flash backs to the past where her inventions were stolen from her so she decided to keep what she showed Fuyuko limited for the time being and not show her hidden rooms.