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The Gem Log: 1

by Alice Giles

The record with a dark blue goat horn symbol is placed into a old record player, causing it to spark to life.
Alice: how does, is it like this no…wait there I think it’s on.
There are some undead groans in the background as well as tics going on in a steady rhythm.
Alice: okay, so Moore ended up showing me what exactly a record was and from there I had done some tinkering and decided to make my own. As a way to keep record on a new long term project I am working on. I would try to use a journal but at the moment my reading and writing lessons are on hold due to some unfortunate happenings.
She clears her throat, and lets out a breathe.
Alice: well I guess introductions should be done first, my name is Alice Giles I am a satyr that come from the deep forest. I have lived in Aremore for a good few weeks now, the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place mind you but things have been happening and its getting hard to keep tract so I wanted to keep records of my theories and how they’ve turned out, of course they will be put into their own series but for now I’ll start with my currant main project.
There is some shuffling noises and a button sound being pressed, and pistons firing straight after. The groaning noise is louder as well as the record picks up the sound of hooves on stone.
Alice: where do I begin, was it the house no that isn’t right. Right it was the… it was Willow’s arm that started all of this. There is a lot to go over and only so much disc space plus I don’t know how long Fuyuko will remain in asleep, so I’ll be quick to put it simply I had this…friend when I first came to Aremore, we were close but then they disappeared leaving only a book and his arm behind down in the…
There is a pause in the record like it skipped a bit but quickly fixed itself.
Alice: anyway because of that I could tell Fuyuko was feeling un-easy but still I didn’t stop to ask if they were okay I acted like everything was fine afterwards and went about the day. Eventually the topic of their creation came up, my original theory was an elaborate system of red stone combined with the technology found in the deep dark, based only on the blue coloring in Fuyuko’s snow and how those things are still a mystery to me. But I was wrong so very wrong. Moore was with us at the time, apparently Fuyuko’s creator isn’t around but their home still was so we all made the trip there and what we found…. Lets just say it shook all three of us to the core, Fuyuko especially I had never seen her act like that, she didn’t seem afraid of anything before but when we opened that room something changed. I need a drink if I am going to continue.
There is some sounds of hooves steps heard becoming distant and a button being pressed along with pistons firing again. It wasn’t long after when the pistons fired again and some mumbling could be heard.
Alice: not as strong as wine back home but it’ll do, taste better too. Where was I, oh right we got home from the trip Fuyuko was still shaken and both me and Moore were worried. During the trip Moore ended up reading some journals and even slipped the one found in that room back home. I had never seen Fuyuko act so… alive so I had grown worried thinking something was wrong, strange I know but almost all of my feelings now a days are strange. I pulled Moore aside and had them tell me what were in those books away from Fuyuko, I truly wish I hadn’t left them alone. When I came back Fuyuko had left leaving only a note in her place, she left and my already fragile mental state broke, I couldn’t stay there with all her memories in my house nor could I stay in Aremore with my memories of both her and now freshly resurfaced memories of Willow haunting me. So I left with Moore and went to Ephyrae, the stay was nice I even brough my things with me to make a new nest where I could feel safe and Moore is a great cook. Of course I may have gotten bored from time to time and made some tiny men wave or made a launcher while no one was looking but everything turned out fine and Moore… I can’t complain about being close to them.
There is a distinct throat clearing before Alice starts again.
Alice: Back on topic, it wasn’t long apparently when it seemed my absences was noticed and a group of people from Aremore, lead by Ranger came to try to get me back but at the time, I… I was still hurt, I think that’s the phrasing, by Fuyuko leaving like that and with finding Willow’s arm in a place like that so I turned them down and told them to go home. That action now that I think about it may have sent the next course of events in motion, it appeared while I was away Fuyuko had taken over my home but it wasn’t Fuyuko it was Phoenix the other soul residing in the gem or at least that’s how I see it, she may think differently, she definitely did at the time, but that doesn't matter. It appeared with what time she had, she barricaded herself in my house apparently using what she knew from watching through Fuyuko eyes against what ever may try to come in. The sudden wired fencing around my home didn’t go unnoticed as Ranger was the first to investigate finding Phoenix and not knowing my home well she came looking from me. Once I heard Fuyuko was in trouble… I didn’t know what to do, my heart was telling my to go and help her but my brain reminded me of what happened… Moore ended up being the deciding factor saying if Fuyuko was in trouble then we should go help so I went. What I found pretty much pissed me off, Phoenix acted like they owned my house now and challenged me saying there was no way I could get in, of course I didn’t take that laying down and did ended up finding a way in. We exchanged some choice words with Phoenix leaving neither party happy and apparently Phoenix was Rekker’s best friend he killed as well as Moore ended up snapping at one point and uh…
Alice takes a pause and the sound of someone drinking can be heard.
Alice: this is why I need this log. Anyway the fighting only stopped when Ranger stepped in once saying all three of us are in love and we shouldn’t being fighting. That sentences got both me and Phoenix to pause confused and Moore to change into all shade of colors heh. Anyway my love life is not the topic of this log the gem is, basically from my observations of Fuyuko/Phoenix the days after that had been they are growing un-stable and something needs to be done or who knows what could happen. My original plan was to try to seal Phoenix away but the gem cracked once more this time really badly to the point it was dark I am not exactly sure how. Phoenix was in control at the time and they slipped into the waypoint again and disappeared when the gem cracked again, Rekker and Ranger went after them while I stayed behind to see if they would come back. Fuyuko ended up attacking Rekker. After that the plan was still to seal Phoenix away but to extract the gem only when it was healed which took a bit of time. During that time Phoenix was in control, me and them didn’t exactly get along I may had said some things while they in turn said something back thus causing me to kick them out of my home saying if they entered again I would take the gem straight from their head.
There is another pause in the track as the record skipped again
Alice: I had the knife in my hand and Fuyuko was on the ground sleeping peacefully, Rekker and Zky were behind me the gem was healed, it was the perfect time for the exaction that could have advanced my research far from ground zero and possibly help Fuyuko a lot faster. But the image of me putting a knife into her head into Fuyuko’s head, one of the people I love the most was too great, so I did a fifty fifty trick I learned from my travels basically if the odds land on an outcome you really really don’t like then you know what you truly want to do. That choice ended up being to leave the gem where it was, to let run it’s course. I couldn’t put a knife into her head it just felt so, so wrong.
There is some sniffling heard and a small whimper.
Alice: so I instead to start this research to make another gem cause if I couldn’t separate Phoenix and Fuyuko from one another. I could at least make another gem to hopefully make them more stable. I also just so happened to have captured a recently undead that just so happened to had invade Aremore demanding legendary objects that were almost impossible to get. He will work as a great first test subject for making a new gem. But so far my findings have been inconclusive though, I feel like I am missing something, then again this isn’t redstone and is very out of my field of knowledge but I can only go off of what I’ve observed from Fuyuko/ Phoenix plus the notes from Phoenix’s mother’s house disappeared so I am basically starting from scratch.
There is a groan from Alice and more sounds of chugging some sort of drink.
Alice: With that I believe I am caught up on the gem project so far and plan to record my trials at a later date this is Alice Giles Gem log one finished.
There is some shuffling and some mutterings of how the record was almost full and mumbling of wondering how to turn it off again before the record player goes silent once more.