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Sat 11th Feb 2023 11:13

First day of Aremore

by Alice Giles

She doesn't know how long she walked or even the direction she even went. She was just so frustrated that she just picked a direction and walked, the only other thing she could remember was just finding a civilization where people can talk. After a couple of days she figured she'd at least need to look like them so she tore and retired her wedding veil and made it into a shirt.
It was during a hot day when she exited the forest and the smell of ash hit her hard, as she sees a huge burnt stump surrounded by newly built houses covered in plants. She could smell the newly made food. Taking a breathe she exits the forest and carefully walks around the town, she was just at a strange pedestal with a floating eye in it when she smelled something familiar but strange on the wind. She could almost place it but it just didn't fit with what she thought it was, looking around she pin points the smell near her hooves and sees a small fae at her feet looking up at her with big eyes.
She learned that this fae was named Blim a fairy that roams the land and mostly people watch as well as run various shops that if Alice wrote in a book Blim could retrieve it for her. But unfortunately Alice didn't know how to read or write so Blim offered for her to pictures instead.
A little after Blim finished the tour, they ran into a tree person who introduced themselves as Willow. They seemed fun to Alice but put her off but offering their home for her to stay in. They showed her what a bed was and explained they were an arborist and didn't have their memories due to a large scar on their head.
They took a walk in the town after to see if they could find a place for her to set up, and ended up finding a place under the bridge where she could move into once she was settled. Her stay at Willow's house didn't last long as when she met a human who called himself Rekker who also offered her a place to stay that wasn't just his storage area. He even gave her tools she could use to get herself started.
She honestly felt really overwhelmed with all the things she gotten so far and the warm welcome, even if it put her in their dept right off the bat so she promised herself that she wouldn't in dept for long and would repay their kindness in someway.