The Story Game by Panlo | World Anvil

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1st of Sydenstar, 835 PD

The Story Game

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

During her watch Ael saw soldiers approaching our camp, so we scampered off; Virdan quite literally--he had turned into a squirrel! Later in the day he taught me a bit about how he does it. I tried really hard. It didn't work. I just don't have magic in me like the others, but it was really nice of him to try.
While we were walking together, Virdan and I got to know each other better. I promised to help him find his family--his older sister enlisted with the military, and his parents were separated while escaping an attack--but not until after I help Charlie find her brother, which will be after we find Viertree and Loc's home. I should make a list.
The day's march passed otherwise uneventfully, Loc showed me his adamantine knife and I showed him my throwing knife collection. But things became a bit more exciting at night. Tali wanted to play a game where we all tell a story about our memories. I told the one where my parents were lost in the shipwreck, but I was rescued by a beautiful shadow. Thistle sat away from the group the whole time; I hope she's feeling okay. Ael didn't like the story game because it brought up some painful memories for her and she walked off. Then I heard her call out when she was attacked by monstrous hounds.
During the fight a couple people were bit, causing them to become sickened. But Virdan knew what to do, he's really smart, and we set off to find flowers so he could make a cure. Unfortunately, a spirit was haunting the flowerbed. My blades are no use against thin air, so I rushed to get Viertree thinking she must have some magic that can help, and I stayed back at camp to protect Virdan's siblings.
I hated to run away like that, leaving my new friends in danger, but it made the most sense.

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