A Hat for Bonnie by Panlo | World Anvil

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31st of Brussendar, 835 PD

A Hat for Bonnie

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

It was important to leave The Sweet Chili Pub without guards seeing Viertree and Loc, and not being one to think too far ahead, I let the smarter folk decide on a plan. And it must have been a good plan because it worked! Viertree turned Loc invisible. Then he, Thistle, and I headed out to find a quiet alley to meet up with everyone else. I kept a close eye on Loc so we wouldn't be separated; he's my friend now, and friends stick together. When the rest of the party caught up with us Virdan had turned himself into a weasel -- I wish I could do that, being a weasel looks fun!
As we neared the edge of town a serious looking human from the Crown's Guard stepped briskly toward us. I thought we'd be in trouble for sure, but Charlotte has really improved her spellcasting, and she cast a charm on her without a hitch and the guard just wished us safe travels and turned on her heel.
Just outside town Thistle bought a pair of donkeys from a farmer: Bonnie and Franklin. While the others lade the donkeys, I took Loc's hat and cut ear holes in it for Bonnie so we can tell them part. I may not be able to cast spells or turn into a weasel, but I'll do what I can to help. Loraelsia seems really nice too. Since I can't see in the dark as well as everyone else, she conjured glowing orbs that hovered near me like fireflies. There was a pink one, a purple one, a blue one, and an orange one. The orange one reminded me of Loraelsia.
As the sun began rising we found a hollowed area to bed down. Charlotte and I took second watch together and spent much of the time catching up. I told her about the beast that was brought in to Madame Krishana's show, and the tragedy that was released with it, but reassured her that Wit was fine. I also told her how Thistle and I met, but I'm worried she got the wrong idea when I told her we had slept together. I'll clear that up with her later. Charlotte also hasn't found her brother yet. Once we've safely escorted Viertree and Loc to Xhorhas I want to help her find him. I know how important it is to her.

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  1. The Road to Nogvurot
    29th of Brussendar, 835 PD
  2. The Sweet Chili Pub
    30th of Brussendar, 835 PD
  3. A Hat for Bonnie
    31st of Brussendar, 835 PD
  4. The Story Game
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  5. Luna the Moon-Touched
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  6. Pan in Boots
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  7. Dwarf for a Day
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  8. Were-things?
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  9. Virdan, and the other kids.
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  10. Hi Virdan
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