Dwarf for a Day by Panlo | World Anvil

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4st of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Dwarf for a Day

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

We stumbled into some hunting lands today so as a precaution Vietree cast an illusion on us in case we ran into strangers, and she made me into a really tall Dwarf! I had a beard and everything. I must have looked great. I tried grabbing my beard but it didn't work. And I still couldn't see the top of anyone's heads. Maybe someday I can be magicked to be tall from the inside instead of just the outside.
Viertree was hurt bad by a bear trap, so when we came across Louise's lodge we asked for rest and maybe healing. Louise is wonderful! She has all sorts of incredible things. She has a library, she has a metallic arm, she has hunting skills, and even helped Viertree to heal. She must have the things Thistle has been looking for too, because they spend a lot of time alone together.
While Viertree was resting I finally had a moment of time with Virdan and reminded him we're all friends now if there's something he needs to get off his chest, but he doesn't seem to want to open up. He's so sad all the time. It's probably just puberty.

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  7. Dwarf for a Day
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  9. Virdan, and the other kids.
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