The Sweet Chili Pub by Panlo | World Anvil

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30th of Brussendar, 835 PD

The Sweet Chili Pub

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

Thistle and I arrived in Nogvurot in the early evening and followed our noses into The Sweet Chili Pub. As we made our way to a table I saw Charlotte! It was so good to see her and know she's doing well. We shuffled some tables around and joined her and her friends, along with another couple whose table we disturbed, for meal and merriment. Thistle really enjoyed the rum so towards the end of the evening I helped her to a room.
The events took an unexpected turn when, during my meditation, a sprite zipped into the room obviously trying to draw our attention before disappearing out the door again. I looked out the door and saw a scuffle in the room at the end of the hall. I shouted an alert to Thistle and rushed down the hall. My training from the abbey kicking in, I quickly assessed the situation: one elf wounded, and another taking a stand alongside Charlotte's friend, Virdan, so I took aim at the obvious threat but missed the hooded figure in my haste.
The assailant hadn't anticipated taking on an entire dinner party -- as the sprite and the noise encouraged the other patrons to enter the fray -- the dark figure escaped through the window into in the night.
The assassin -- a Volstrucker Agent it was mentioned -- had targeted ambassadors from the Kryn Dynasty, Viertree and Loc, who are on a mission to negotiate peace between the nations. Politics are best to be avoided it, but they could use some additional protection in their escape to the safety of their homeland, and I didn't have set plans from here anyway. Everyone else seems keen on traveling West with them, including Thistle; that's enough for me.
The group was deep in conversation about our next moves and plans for escaping the pub and Nogvurot unnoticed, so I set to work mixing up some hair dye and a hat for Viertree and Loc to use as disguises. I was so proud of the stitching on the hat! But when Loc put it on it just levitated a foot or so above his head. Well, I'm sure it will fit better when they drop the Seeming spell.

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  1. The Road to Nogvurot
    29th of Brussendar, 835 PD
  2. The Sweet Chili Pub
    30th of Brussendar, 835 PD
  3. A Hat for Bonnie
    31st of Brussendar, 835 PD
  4. The Story Game
    1st of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  5. Luna the Moon-Touched
    2nd of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  6. Pan in Boots
    3rd of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  7. Dwarf for a Day
    4st of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  8. Were-things?
    5th of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  9. Virdan, and the other kids.
    6th of Sydenstar, 835 PD
  10. Hi Virdan
    14th of Sydenstar, 835 PD