Were-things? by Panlo | World Anvil

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5th of Sydenstar, 835 PD


by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

Riding in Louise's cart was much more relaxing than all the walking we've been doing. But when we stopped and a few of us went off to hunt I saw the most amazing thing. There were these, I thought they were beasts at first but were more humanoid. They were distracted by a couple elk they killed. I'm pretty sure they were lycanthropes maybe, though I'd never seen one before now I don't think, just heard of them. Anyway, they looked dangerous so as I was trying to warn Charlie when wolf-Virdan must have had the same idea and jumped on me trying to warn us, then wolf-Virdan warned Gael and we all moved away quickly. But Thistle and Louise were out in those woods somewhere too, so I ran off to find them before these things did. It wasn't long before I found them but it turns out that they did run into the lycanthropes too but they were luckily able to scare them off. I'm glad they were safe. And there must be a good size herd of elk nearby because the girls caught a couple of their own before the beasts showed up.

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  8. Were-things?
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