Hi Virdan by Panlo | World Anvil

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14th of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Hi Virdan

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

Hi Virdan, it's PanPan. (Remember when Zhod and the other Orcs were calling me that when we were playing darts?) You're welcome. I'm glad we're friends too. But I want to tell you that I'm sorry. Some of us got to choose being here. But you didn't. You didn't have a choice. And I’m sorry that we put so much pressure on you to do all the things. The running and hiding and fighting and trudging. But you’re doing it. And I’m really proud of you for that. I’m really proud of the way you fought next to Gael against those skeletons in the tunnel. I know you don’t like Gael. And that’s okay. There are people I don’t like I think. But you’re learning to ignore that and that’s really important. I was really worried for you that the dislike was going to turn into hate because it takes a lot of energy to hate and then you can’t use that energy for more important things because it gets wasted. And I want to see you use that energy instead to make the wind blow and to turn into squirrels and spiders and wolves. Maybe you can even do a wolf-spider someday. I’ve heard of them but I’ve never seen one. Do you think they have four legs or eight? Maybe they have four spider legs and eight wolf legs. I don’t want to talk about the animals at the circus though because a part of it reminds me of awful things and I don’t like how it makes my head feel, but I’ll tell you about my friend Gabrod. We did tricks together. And I’ll tell about Master Durkas at the Abbey; he’s the one who found me after that woman left me on the beach, and he helped me when I was thinking too much about things I didn’t like. But I don’t want to waste too much time telling you too many old stories when we can spend that time writing new stories together, all of us.

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