Luna the Moon-Touched by Panlo | World Anvil

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2nd of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Luna the Moon-Touched

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

We had a quiet rest. I guess everyone was tired from our long march… encountering the awful death hound creatures in the darkness… and then that frightening shadowy spirit in the glade. Ael and I had watch together as Charlotte and the others recovered from their injuries. After hearing Ael's story in the evening I, I just didn't know what to say. It didn't seem like something she'd want to talk more about, so we just sat quietly through our watch. We broke camp around noon and continued our march East.
While we walked, Thistle, out of nowhere gave me the sword that I guess they found after I ran away from the spirit. She is such an amazing friend! I'm glad to have found her.
The sword glows like Catha. I will take good care of such a wonderful gift. I will name it Luna.
We met a new friend today too! Gael is a librarian, I think. He must be wonderfully smart, with all those books around. He even wears one on his belt. And he has a dragon familiar he calls Z. I know I'm a little big, but maybe he'll let me ride it.

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