Virdan, and the other kids. by Panlo | World Anvil

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6th of Sydenstar, 835 PD

Virdan, and the other kids.

by The Fantastic Flit Panlo Suppleswitch

The name Grimgolir made me think it was some awful place, dark and dangerous, but when we arrived I saw how amazing it is! Cavernous tunnels, and buildings carved right into the rock. It's like another plane. Maybe the name is just because it's a little dimmer than being out under the sun.
Or maybe it brings out the grimness in people. Virdan drank alcohol at the tavern. That's when he had a lot of distain in his eyes for Gael. Maybe it's always been there, but I haven't seen it before. Now that I think back he's always seemed cold toward Gael. Now I can see that it's not just coldness, but HateOrJealousyOrDistrustOrSpiteOrAnotherBadThing. And that's really troubling for him and his family. We're in a lot of trouble and danger all the time out here on the road and there are a lot of us to consider and worry about, but Virdan has the most to lose because he has family here too. But he seems too distracted by Gael. If Virdan is spending all his energy and focus on being upset with Gael, then... well... then it will be up the rest of us to protect the kids. Of course, Virdan is still just a kid himself. Maybe we've been putting too much on him.

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  9. Virdan, and the other kids.
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